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hope not, because then they would all crack and people would bitch about them

made me smile....

thet look similar to atmoz/viz. I have been running my Viz forks for a while, not one bad thing to say about them. I had fattys before them and thy lasted about 4 years!! Doubt my Viz will last that long

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if i ment dave id of said dave?

look at adams bike, id kill that in a matter of days, because i am harsh, and i ride street, im not smooth or spinny, i like riding.


I doubt you would kill it in days or weeks, one thing about adams bike is that he doesnt comprimise on preformace and structural strenght on any of the parts. He could have the bike lighter but then it wold preform as good and last the same.

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look at adams bike, id kill that in a matter of days, because i am harsh, and i ride street, im not smooth or spinny, i like riding.

Can't quite see what point you're trying to make there, you saying Adam doesn't ride street or like riding?

Being harsh isn't something to be proud of, I'd rather be able to up 12" and do it well than be able to up 60" and do it like a sack of shit. You ever thought of it that way? That aint a personal dig man there's plenty of people that should work on smoothness rather than inch pinching, but each to their own man.

If you enjoy being a basher then go for it, like you said, you like riding, but I dunno, I'd rather watch someone do something small riding smooth than someone do something huge riding like shit.

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Can't quite see what point you're trying to make there, you saying Adam doesn't ride street or like riding?

Being harsh isn't something to be proud of, I'd rather be able to up 12" and do it well than be able to up 60" and do it like a sack of shit. You ever thought of it that way? That aint a personal dig man there's plenty of people that should work on smoothness rather than inch pinching, but each to their own man.

If you enjoy being a basher then go for it, like you said, you like riding, but I dunno, I'd rather watch someone do something small riding smooth than someone do something huge riding like shit.

lol i like riding my bike, why dont u just stfu lol, not even gonna read what u put, but i got to "Being harsh isn't something to be proud of," and got bored, shut. up.


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Can't quite see what point you're trying to make there, you saying Adam doesn't ride street or like riding?

Being harsh isn't something to be proud of, I'd rather be able to up 12" and do it well than be able to up 60" and do it like a sack of shit. You ever thought of it that way? That aint a personal dig man there's plenty of people that should work on smoothness rather than inch pinching, but each to their own man.

If you enjoy being a basher then go for it, like you said, you like riding, but I dunno, I'd rather watch someone do something small riding smooth than someone do something huge riding like shit.

Light bikes and "Lines" are uncool, thats what makes the rest of the mountainbike world see trials as shitttt.

TGS started to make trials cool, proper riders like Damon Watson, Neil Tunnicliffe, Danny Swindlehurst made trials look decent.

Fag bikes and circus riding is only taking trials backwards, thats how i see it anyway.

Cool forks yeahh, 24 inch ones would be cool for SEAAATGRABS AND BARSPINNZZ

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You're a f**king twat man,

lol i like riding my bike, why dont u just stfu lol, not even gonna read what u put, but i got to "Being harsh isn't something to be proud of," and got bored, shut. up.


That aint a personal dig man there's plenty of people that should work on smoothness rather than inch pinching, but each to their own man.

Learn to read and stop being so f**king ignorant.

Light bikes and "Lines" are uncool, thats what makes the rest of the mountainbike world see trials as shitttt.

TGS started to make trials cool, proper riders like Damon Watson, Neil Tunnicliffe, Danny Swindlehurst made trials look decent.

Fag bikes and circus riding is only taking trials backwards, thats how i see it anyway.

Cool forks yeahh, 24 inch ones would be cool for SEAAATGRABS AND BARSPINNZZ

You're a twat too, get a f**king clue.

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f**king hell how long is it gonna take you to reply?!

EDIT: Aw you bottled it :(

Bottled it on a forum LOL

Your into fag bikes and whatever that random spinny circus shit you do is, fair enough, thats what you like to do...

Personally im into TGS riding and improving my riding by going bigger, doent mean im not smooth, doesnt mean i CANT do other diciplines of riding, its just what i find more fun, afterall thats the reason we all ride trials.

Dont call me a twat for having an oppinion.

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Bottled it on a forum LOL

Your into fag bikes and whatever that random spinny circus shit you do is, fair enough, thats what you like to do...

Personally im into TGS riding and improving my riding by going bigger, doent mean im not smooth, doesnt mean i CANT do other diciplines of riding, its just what i find more fun, afterall thats the reason we all ride trials.

Dont call me a twat for having an oppinion.


Fag bikes and random spinny circus shit, wtf? Is that cos I ride a Dob mod? I really don't get what you're trying to say there :S

I like pushing myself, I ride as hard as I can as often as I can and I'm always trying to go bigger, because for me that's how I have the most fun. I don't really get what other disciplines there are, being smooth isn't a discipline, it's a skill. Unless you mean natty in which case... errm okay, it's still trials, and most elements of TGS are put into it really, but instead of doing one move at a time, you do lots in a line... you still get big sidehops and gaps :/

Isn't part of the fun of a forum abusing each other?

Anyway, I'm going to bed.

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:lol: !!

Fag bikes and random spinny circus shit, wtf? Is that cos I ride a Dob mod? I really don't get what you're trying to say there :S

I like pushing myself, I ride as hard as I can as often as I can and I'm always trying to go bigger, because for me that's how I have the most fun. I don't really get what other disciplines there are, being smooth isn't a discipline, it's a skill. Unless you mean natty in which case... errm okay, it's still trials, and most elements of TGS are put into it really, but instead of doing one move at a time, you do lots in a line... you still get big sidehops and gaps :/

Isn't part of the fun of a forum abusing each other?

Anyway, I'm going to bed.

Being smooth isnt a skill its a style, loads of riders LOVE the fact that they ride harsh, makes for a more violent style.

smooth riding makes for a more relaxed style...

In no way is this a negative comment, but take Rich Pearsons style for instance is really violent but IMO thats what makes him one of my favourite stock riders.

and compared to someone like stan shaw another of my favourite stock riders, being smooth or a harsh rider i think is more a style than a skill.

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Your into fag bikes and whatever that random spinny circus shit you do is, fair enough, thats what you like to do...

I don't think I've ever seen Mack spin

He rides a lot of natty, which is using all the stuff you'll do in a TGSfest, but actually linking stuff together, which I assume doesn't count for some highly intelligent reason that only a THUG can comprehend

Being smooth isnt a skill its a style
Go out and try and ride smooth for a day, then come back and say if it's a skill. It's bloody hard to ride smoothly, and a piece of piss to ride like a tank.

Imagine watching two guys on a big ride; One of them throws his bike up on top of a bottle bank or whatever the basher platform of choice is these days, then launches himself over to the rail 10 foot out and 12 foot down from there, killing a few spokes, brake sounding like a foghorn and rimming out

Another guy rolls around to the back, flicks his bike up and across the tech line to the bank with barely a sound other than his tyres and hub. Still on the bike, he rolls up to the same edge of the gap, balances for a second, and puts the power down. Landing on the rail, with his wheel in tact and the air in his tyre actually doing something, he lets go of the rear brake and drops to the floor, rolling off to find the next line.

I don't understand how on earth you can think the first rider in that situation has any more skill than the second, let alone how tanking it and smashing the hell out of not only your bike and your body, but 'the public's' rails, bottle banks, walls etc

At the end of the day, people do have a certain right to be pissed off if a group of kids on silly bikes (here's news for you - you're on a silly bike with no seat too...) are smashing into stuff and taking chunks out of it all.

The public much prefer to see some smooth, controlled riding to some bashermunchers knocking the shit out of everything, and from what I've seen appreciate lines far more too

I'm not denying that being a monster TGS rider isn't impressive and I never have, it just seems a silly way to argue things.

Look at Tunni/Damon - More lines and smoothness coming into it - Go figure

smooth riding makes for a more relaxed style...
Yeah, mostly :)
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if i ment dave id of said dave?

look at adams bike, id kill that in a matter of days, because i am harsh, and i ride street, im not smooth or spinny, i like riding.


Are you refering to me?

If so i doubt you would kill my bike in a matter of days, you have to remember that i am just over 19st, so even if i am smooth the bike still has to cope with alot of weight landing on it!

Like someone has said previously, i have a light bike but i have not skimped on the components.

But back to the Trialtech forks, i think they look awsome, the disc mount looks much improved over the atomz one, and hopefully with the modification that has been made to the steerer they will not crack like my atomz ones did (before anything says "oh you cracked them" they lasted me over 8 months which is longer than any set of the recent deng forks have lasted me)


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