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How Old Were You When

Kyle G

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Well some bad news, Today I phoned the place I Ordered my T-pro 08 from and its outofstock so now trying to find else were to buy a t-pro 08 not having much luck seems few are out of stock so back to hunting for a bike :angry:

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Well some bad news, Today I phoned the place I Ordered my T-pro 08 from and its outofstock so now trying to find else were to buy a t-pro 08 not having much luck seems few are out of stock so back to hunting for a bike :angry:

unlucky bud (N) keep your hopes up though.

Im 14 and have been riding for two years, tis a sweet sport

gigner allen(Y)

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Now 15 :)

Crikey. I thought you were older than that when i met you.

I've had a mod since 2005. But didnt really like it. (too small). I have only recently bought a stock and i am loving it. I ride as much as I can. I'm 16 nearly 17 now.

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Well good news again thanks to Adam-2k7 for the link I finally found a 08 T-Pro instock got an email today with some good news at last,

Item(s) :Onza T-Pro Trials Bike (2008) - Bike Colour: Grey / - has been ordered from our suppliers and is estimated to arrive into stock on or before the 11-Aug-2008

:D :D

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i am 21 and have just started riding trials again after stopping when i was about 17

there was a big crowd of us in my village who rode from like 13 years old, then everyone just gradually stopped, got cars, got girlfriends, got jobs and lived for the weekend and a week long booze up in magaluf

i went to uni, and rode bmx and really did enjoy it, came home and could never force myself to get rid of my trials bike, and i am so glad i didnt

rode my trials bike for the first time in ages last week, and i am hooked again

re registered on this forum and now spend all my free time trawling for new videos, and looking at new parts

i must admit it has changed a lot, i grew up riding with the trialskings videos permenantly on my desktop, and i found them on youtube and they are still some of the best trials videos around

im not into how high you can front tap, or sidehop i am more into the kind of riding adam burns and danny holryod did.

also anyone getting back into it, or any new riders, watch evolve, be inspired!!!!!

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hey, i was about 14 when i started and am now 15 i ride a t-pro good choice (Y) what year t-pro are you buying?

Adam (Y)

Getting the 08 Model should not be to long now bitta luck be here early next week, Looking forwards to learning =D

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I started riding trials seriously on a stock bike when I was 27, that was about a year ago..

But I've fooled around with trials moves and stuff since I got my first bike.

I remember cracking quite a few frames on my kids-bikes when I was young :(

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Well it seems am no longer getting a Onza T-Pro 2008, Kinda find any shop/site that has them in stock so looks like im back to looking for a bike I like fun fun :(

For the money you spend on a t-pro anougher option would be buying a bike second hand you can pick up right bargin's bikes that would cost well over a grand for the same sort of money thats if you want to ride a second hand bike i just wish i had from the start but might not be for everyone i did also enjoy building my bike up to be honnest there was alot of probelms but it was fun learning how to fix and build bikes along the way.

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Hey - I am the oldest - 44! I ride a bike every day, have about 6 bikes in the shed, and have just bought a trials bike from ebay. When I was a student in Glasgow (80s) I used to watch folk messing around in George Square on BMXs, and was totally impressed by the way they could jump around on those things. I always wanted to learn how to do it, but never got around to it - was too keen on other sports at the time. Now I have no excuse. But I promise not to hang about next to you wearing a cardigan.

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Well i was trying to keep it quiet but im 42!! and I've loved bikes since i was 8 when I used to race friends around the block..

I also do lots of other things some people might say i'm a bit old for like skateboarding, surfing, skating, climbing and snowboarding, all that matters to me is it makes me happy :D

I say don't listen to the nay sayers, make your own path

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Hey, after wanting to get into trials bikes I keep getting told by my family that im to "Old" to be riding bikes (I'm 20 <_< ) so just wondering how old most of you lot are and what age you was when you got into trials riding, Planning on buying a Onza T-pro (new) very soon :D

hiya, i got my first trial bike on my 20th birthday this summer.


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Hey thanks for all the replys, I now have a bike 20" Yaabaa 449 from Tartybikes, First time on it today was fun need some new grips though need to get use to how light it is aswell and remeber there is no seat so I dont keep going to sit down. Looking forwards to learning some stuff :D

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