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How Old Were You When

Kyle G

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Hey, after wanting to get into trials bikes I keep getting told by my family that im to "Old" to be riding bikes (I'm 20 <_< ) so just wondering how old most of you lot are and what age you was when you got into trials riding, Planning on buying a Onza T-pro (new) very soon :D

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i was 28 1st time i rode trials on a bicycle, i rode moto trials since i was 13, im now 37 and starting over again on bicycle trials hehe.

My wife thinks im a nutter and having a mid-life crisis lol.

Maybe i am but all i can say is i love riding trials always have always will :)

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I keep getting told by my family that im to "Old" to be riding bikes (I'm 20 <_< )

That's the biggest load of rubbish i ever did hear!

Don't let anyone tel you you're too old... you're 20, you're still a kid! :Plol

But in all seriousness, a lot of the bes riders in the world at the moment are 20+.

I started when i was nearly 16, am 17 now.

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I am 18 and only just started and people might say your too old etc, but who cares, if you wanna start then start ! You will have fun, its good exercise etc. Also i think that if you hold back on things because other people disagree then you will never reach your full potential.

Also about people thinking its stupid to buy a bike without a seat, yeah i got that to :P but i guess that just comes with the sport.

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I still plan to, Currently only £50 away from new bike was just curious to see how old most of you were/are when u started and to the no seat comments im getting that alot when I showed people what bike I wanted most common thing was "where are you going to sit"

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I started with biking early, but just this year on a trials bike. I am turning 30 this year. I wish I would have started at the young age of 20! Have fun, and tell the folks it's your life, and you should spend it the way you want. Have fun every day! Do something every day that scares you!

Edited by ti-mig-guy
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