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  Callum-Luvs-Trials said:
Hello friend, welcome to the forum. You have started at a very young age so hopefully you have lots of time left in this sport.

Keep up the good spelling, stick to the rules, and you will be validated in no time :)

"you will be validated in no time " lol

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welcome Kurtis, this is a good forum and very complete

  kona1991 said:
"you will be validated in no time "

mmm.... really? what i doing for validation? i have friends that no posted NEVER!!! and they are members, why?

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  GUILPU said:
welcome Kurtis, this is a good forum and very complete

mmm.... really? what i doing for validation? i have friends that no posted NEVER!!! and they are members, why?

it does take a while, but no need to get grumpy about it :P

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  Callum-Luvs-Trials said:
It doesn't take a while. You can get validated in a couple of post's if you actually put effort in them.

Gulpi tries his hardest with his spelling but he is from a different country speaking a different language.

i'm not validation for my bad english? :S

ops! i have to study much!! xD

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  Callum-Luvs-Trials said:
Spelling is the main reason most new members arn't validated.

To be perfectly honest, i think spelling is a bit of a harsh thing to be not validated for.

Okay fair enough this isnt text, and so no-one should be using text talk. But after all this is a trials forum, and not some govermenty sort of thing.

Guilpu is a perfect example of how its hard for new members to be validated, because if your just reading his post, it would first seem that he is either lazy or dyslexic, but on discovery of the fact he is speaking a foreign language, as long as his posts are on topic, it is unfair for him not to be validated, because he spells the odd word wrong or his grammer isnt perfect....

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I am also a new member . I have heard that it is quite hard to get validated . :D

But im sure that if you post as many topics and post well posts you will be validated in no time.

from Jack Rawse

p.s be aware that the posts and topics you make have to have a meaning and purpose and i see you hav'nt done this but do'nt use slang.

Good luck in trialsing i'm sure that you will be better in no time. As they say better to start while your young . :P

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the only reasen i started trials biking is that my mates had started it and they were 12/13 and i thought it was pretty cool so i begged for a trials bike and then i got one for my birthday but i didn't get the hang of it until i got my t-comp and the day i learnt to gap i droped four foot one

kurtis brookhouse (Y)

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