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Read the guidelines -Swap My Frame ?

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Hi guys,

I have a t-comp frame and i would like to swap it for a koxx hydroxx really like the frames but cant afford it so mum said i have to swap my frame to get it so can somone swap a good condition hydroxx or xtp 2 frame for my onza t-comp frame it got scaps on the chainstay and a dent underneath the frame.

thanks kurtis

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Hahahaha, I have a old smelly sock I would swap?

But really, Hahahaha this is going to get closed in a second so i'm going to have my fun :)

Read the rules and then come back later :)

Edit: And Owen, who would swap a Ko Km1 for a Gu le? really :P

Callum, that sounds interesting. Iv never had one of those!


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