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Don't worry about it.

In the long run, it would be easier to get your hands on some tar.

It does the same thing as coke, but stays on your rim longer and you don't have to look like a pratt pouring drink on your bike.


i have got loads of tar but it comes off quick on my rims . how much tar should i put on to make it last longer ?

Edited by t-pro-03
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i have got loads of tar but it comes off quick on my rims . how much tar should i put on to make it last longer ?

Most people just put a small amount on,

Spin your rim and hold the tar against it until it's applied all around it.

If tar doesn't last long, i don't think coke will either.

Give it a go, no harm done!


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Most people just put a small amount on,

Spin your rim and hold the tar against it until it's applied all around it.

If tar doesn't last long, i don't think coke will either.

Give it a go, no harm done!


thanks alot for the advice thanks

thanks ben

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pouring coke on your rims seems like a stupid idea to me. if the weather is dry then yes coke probably will become sticky on your rims and possibly increase braking temporarily. if the weather is wet however it will just be a waste of coke.

if your looking for increased performance then i recommend the traditional brake upgrades. a ground rim with decent brake pads or perhaps smooth rims with tar. either of these can work well. to me. pouring coke on your rims is a pointless waste of drink.

steve :)

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As most riders do. they get it from the road. it is usually used to seal the join when a new section of tarmac is layed. however monty do make a product called brake spray. it can be bought for £4.75 from: http://shop.cleanbikes.co.uk/monty-brake-spray-122-p.asp

I personally prefer to use normal road tar. its free, effective and can be found almost anywhere.

steve :)

Edited by steve-winder
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i never used coke on my rims id rather drink it personally:).. i got some tar from the local bike shop i have always used tar and id tell everyone to do so aswell.. only bad thing is people look at you gone out when they hear a massive eeeeeeekkkk.... behind them

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I never was a big fan of coke on rims; didn't seem to last long and is expensive. I managed to get my hands on tar from a building site along time ago (comes in big tubes), shame I don't have it anymore (really hard to store though it started running over time). Tar works well but in the instant it gets wet it becomes absolutely useless. Although I never tried it I expect a good grind and good brake pads would do just as well. I'm sure someone on here has tried it though and can comment.

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I am not a fan of using coke, tar or as a matter of fact I don't like to use anything on my rims. If I was you I would spend some money on my bike and get a rim grind with a good set of brake pads that way you have good, sharp braking with nothing on your rims.

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Im sorry but grinds are nothing spectacular. People are always like "Get a grind blah blah blah".

I've had and seen many of smooth rim set ups that piss all over grind set ups.

Tar is not a bad thing at all. You saying to us " Ohh, by some better pads AND put a grind on", how are you buying better performing pads if your STILL having to modify your rim in some way ?.

So people using tar on smooth rims, in effect, is just the same as having a grind.

To be honest. If old style plaz or old style Zoo pads were still made, You'd never see me with a grind on't rear.

As for your question. I've never ever tried the coke idea, a few friends have and it seemed ok. Aint got shit on tar. Just go to a local roofing company or something and see if they've got any tar, they give me and my mate a massive big block of it for free. Still got loads of it now, It lasts forever.

Edited by Danny Kearns
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pouring coke on your rims seems like a stupid idea to me. if the weather is dry then yes coke probably will become sticky on your rims and possibly increase braking temporarily. if the weather is wet however it will just be a waste of coke.

Basically the same as tar, you get that wet and it will destroy your brakes, making them useless.

Just get a vee, and some phat pads :)

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you were asking were to get tar... go to a train track thers loads on the rail use gloves though me nd my mate went and it took aged to get the tar off our hands but we had loads of tar...don't let anyone see you though if you get caught on a live track 1000 pound fine....see any 1 RUN!!!haha


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