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Front-to-rear Moves; Help Please


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Hey all. I've been trying to figure out how to do front-to-rear moves where you stall your front wheel on a ledge or something, then quickly snap your rear wheel up, placing it basically in the exact place your front wheel was. Unfortunately I don't have a video of the move I'm trying to explain, so hopefully you know what I'm talking about. Any pointers would be awesome.


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There's two varitations which I can picture from your description.


Or this:

hes on about the first one.

First off you dont want to be doing this head on, so you dont want to be perpendicular to the wall. You want to be going at a angle this way you can get at a better angle and feel more comfortable and get your weight over the bars better. Throw your weight to the side pulling the bike up. The aim isnt to put your rear wheel where your back one was as thats difficult and you need to be going striaght at it which is very hard to do at any sort of height. Just keep practiceing.

Edited by basher
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OK heres how I can describe the position you need to be in to set up for a pigeon:

1) Say you are right foot forward, ride along side the wall/thing with your left pedal, next to the wall.

2) Then, whilst still parallel, go on the backwheel,and turn about 45 degrees to the left, so that your left pedal is still closest o the wall.

Now for the move, because you're weak foot is close to the wall, its not forward so you wont catch it on the way up. Get yourself balanced nicely, then start to lean the bike over gently to your left (still based on right foot forward) Soon you'll find the point at which you feel most comfortable to swap up (its not too much of a lean btw, just a bit to help you) and then you just pull up with all your strength, shoot your arms forward to put the front wheel in the air, and tuck your back wheel underneath you. Its not a tricky technique but it seems to be one that takes alot of practice.

Also only use you back brake when you land. Not during setting up, not during the switch and not during "flight" This will help so much once you're used to it :)

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