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First Bike ?

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  matt123456789 said:
hey everyone, i am a new rider and im just starting to get into trials. The two bikes that im looking at would be either the Onza T-Pro (05/07) or the Onza T-Comp (08) can someone please tell me what i should go for and prehaps why ?

thanks :D


depends on the money.

<£300 try and find the best secondhand bike you can find up to £400 go for a monty

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  matt123456789 said:
well i could prob make up to £400 ... do you no where i can get a monty ? and btw, the t-pro and the t-comp are around the same price.

tarty bikes


get it from traty as well and you get free stuff. spair pads chain stay protector ect

Edited by Aaron.gloster
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http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?produc...;category_id=10 this is the bike im looking at getting for my first. i can get it for around £300, please tell me your thoughts on it.


  Aaron.gloster said:
tarty bikes


get it from traty as well and you get free stuff. spair pads chain stay protector ect

oh man first of all i didnt see the link to this bike. secondly it looks awsome in silver. please can anyone tell me if its better than the onza t-comp or the t-pro. because if it isnt as good then is there a point in me getting it?


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  matt123456789 said:
http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?produc...;category_id=10 this is the bike im looking at getting for my first. i can get it for around £300, please tell me your thoughts on it.


oh man first of all i didnt see the link to this bike. secondly it looks awsome in silver. please can anyone tell me if its better than the onza t-comp or the t-pro. because if it isnt as good then is there a point in me getting it?


only thing I can dis is the bars. my mate got a t-comp and they were the first things to go but then he' quite a heavy rider.

the only reson i'd go for monty over OnZa is some of the parts on the onza's you will be replacing.

bars and freewheel were the first things to go on me mates t-comp

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i completely disagree about the monty. the onza t-comp is a completely better bike. just look at the specification comparisons for a start:

the onza comes complete with tensile freewheel, magura hs33 brakes, drilled rims, kmc kool chain. all of which are strong, all round good parts.

compared to the monty which has an acs claw freewheel, v- type brakes, a lower stength kmc z chain and plain aluminium rims.

in my opinion paying the extra for the onza is definately worth while for the specification upgrade that you get. the onza has more potential to be a better bike as you progress your riding.

yes it may be true that monty have been making trials bikes for over 30 years but onza also have allot of experience in the biketrials scene and have a better bike to offer for your money.

if you are still unsure mate. i reccomend that you give adam at www.tartybikes.co.uk a call and i'm sure he will advise you on which is the better machine.

steve :)

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Thanks steve for taking the time to write all that down for me. I am now glad to say i will be ordering my new onza t-comp tomorrow and will hope to come riding with some of you guys soon. hopefuly i will get taught some tricks, as ive heard all the trials bike community are very friendly.

cheers matt :D

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