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Do You Mod Riders Out There Find It Easier To Up On A Stock?

Olly C

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Thought it would be intresting to see if people have the same feelings as me on this one, basically I went for a ride in Cambridge the other day after work with my friend Wing who rides stock, after about 45 mins of riding in true Olly C fashion my tyre pops out of my rim doing a massive tabletop on a jump box rendering my bike un-rideable as the tyre's 2 years+ old (Monty White Line's one) so I'm forced to just about roll around on it..

We get to some fairly big (for us none regulars) concrete pipe things, now I'm pretty sure I'd either find it very hard to up these on my bike or just flat out not be able to up them at all but since my bike was broke and I wanted to try and up them I gave it a go on Wing's stock.. Now bearing in mind I haven't rode stock.. ever and have only had a few plays on peoples bikes over the years I jump onto his bike and attempt to tap this concrete pipe. The first go I kind of miss it a little, second I get it a little closer and third go I pretty much know what I have to do to stick it to back wheel.. A few try's later and I have it to back wheel:



It just seemed to me so much easier pedalling your front wheel into the wall to launch myself up there on a stock than trying to pedal up it normally on my mod (which I find too short to tap) does anyone else who doesn't and hasn't rode stock before feel the same way about this? Or people that ride both or have done whats your opinion?

Cheers Olly.

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The one time I borrowed a stock, it was pretty knackered and the geo was pretty naff, and I tapped the same height as I could on my Zona, so yes, I reckon that stocks are easier to go up straight on. I never tried a sidehop though.

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  Adam@TartyBikes said:
Forwards: easier on stock

Sideways: easier on mod

Got it in one.

Edit: Saying that, I can't actually stay balanced enough when side hopping a mod. Tend to chuck myself off the back, cleverly.

Edited by Quackers!!
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  Adam@TartyBikes said:
For me, going up stuff is:

Forwards: easier on stock

Sideways: easier on mod

Better: mod :P

Hehe, Quoted for the Truth!!

Yea I think I find sidehop's easier on a mod, especially since I sidehop to the mech side of a stock which = not good..

On a sidenote: New tyre's and chain arrived yesterday from yourselves, fixed the bike up, went for a test ride, 2 mins later... snapped my forks!! :-


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Thing is though how are you trying to get up the stuff on mod? tap? bunnyhop? pedaling striaght up with no tap? if your trying to tap to get up on mod then your a complete tool as theres no way you are going to be able to tap the mod as high as a stock and make it as often as you can on stock. You can easily bunnyhop a mod as high as stock tapping marco grosenick proves that. Also i think whether your half turn or full turn can make a slight difference.

edit: tapping a mod is for gays only adam@tarty proved this in his blackburn video when he tryed tapping and was put swiftly on his back with a broken helmet, bunnyhoping is the only way on mod and is super cool.

Edited by basher
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  Olly C said:
It just seemed to me so much easier pedalling your front wheel into the wall to launch myself up there on a stock than trying to pedal up it normally on my mod (which I find too short to tap)
  basher said:
Thing is though how are you trying to get up the stuff on mod? tap? bunnyhop? pedaling striaght up with no tap? if your trying to tap to get up on mod then your a complete tool as theres no way you are going to be able to tap the mod as high as a stock and make it as often as you can on stock.


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  basher said:
edit: tapping a mod is for gays only adam@tarty proved this in his blackburn video when he tryed tapping and was put swiftly on his back with a broken helmet, bunnyhoping is the only way on mod and is super cool.

That was my fault for being a dipper, but tapping mods DOES suck :)

Oli's a pedal up man though...

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You ride stock, you clearly don't understand! :P

I tapped on my Zona, which at the time had a 1065 wheelbase, so it was like a mini stock, I havn't been able to tap any bike I've had since, even my current Echo which is 1030.

EDIT: You guys got 3 extra replys in then. :P

Edited by Muel
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  Adam@TartyBikes said:
That was my fault for being a dipper, but tapping mods DOES suck :)

Oli's a pedal up man though...

This is true, I can tap mods but it does suck and theres next to no point in doing so, I can also hoon some rather large bunny hop's too but generally I do normal pedal up's with a full rotation of the pedals I believe..

  basher said:
sorry missed that, just learn to bunnyhop lol and ull soon find you can get as high and may be higher and have more fun.

Again.. Learn to bunnyhop? I've been riding near enough 6 years.. lol I can bunnyhop just fine as Adam knows my bikes pretty much built for that kind of stuff with strong parts chosen over light parts, high stem with riser bars and tyre's pumped to 45 p.s.i. it's aallll good!

I was litterally just talking about upping trials-wise really..


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For me everything is easier on a stock apart from some moves like tailspins which are piss easy on mods.

Thought that sidehops would be easier on small wheels but so far I've only managed about 1m as opposed to 115cm on my stock.

Taps are useless on mods but they are possible, just watch some old vids of Yao on the '04 Python. Ups aren't easier either. Everything is harder!!! Mods suck :P

Edited by Inur
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You can get away with so, so much more on stock. BITD when I rode Hudson's Justice (lol), I was dicking around and tried a 48" tap. Missed the front wheel entirely, but still managed to hold it to back wheel. The other benefit is that you can land with the back wheel super low relative to the edge of the wall and it'll generally hold, whereas with mods you've got a pretty small area where you can realistically hold it from. I found I didn't really hit my thighs on my bars as much on stock too, which was a definite plus. Tapping does feel infinitely better on stock too.

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tapping a mod is just asking for trouble imo :P Bunnyhopping is the way forward. I can (at last) bunnyhop as high as I can sidehop to back wheel, but I think thats because the T-lite has a KICK ARSE geometry for bunny hopping!

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T-Lites... *shudders*

The T-Lite Long was alright, but the short was a bit too short. Like the back end meant if you tried kicking really hard into a move it just sorta looped really easily?

Besides, it's all about the half-pedal to backwheel on mods :P

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Bunnyhoping straight up: Mod

Upping without a tap: I find it fairly ballenced to be honest on a mod i carry in more speed to make it more like a bunnyhop

Tapping: Stock, but i still prefer doing it on a mod!

I do like back wheeling, but whenever i go back to a stock now it just always feels too.... long, like i feel i have to chuck it to backwheel in terms of the length of the bike, whereas on a mod i feel like my backwheels already there, so when i try anything on a stock even if i can easily do the height i really struggle on clearing the length of the bike.

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stock for the win

there's so much beast on stock in the trial world

and it s so rare in mod

and you could see in uci comp warm up that stock is cool and mod is for the looser (even with benito)...you have a really strong feeling that mod is harder in any way, even in sides up

look at comas, bloody good on mod, but god on a stock

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I done exactly this the other day...got a pinch so started riding fletch's control and I loved it. Could backwheel just as high, tried a few sidehops, weren't as high as my highest but felt easy enough BUT the main difference was gapping!! I could gap a good foot further on stock, I couldn't believe it. There's a road gap near our local train station that I have NEVER done before. The very first time I tried it on stock I done it...

This is why I get incredibly pissed off when you're on a ride and some muppet goes "oh yeah you did the line, but you're on a mod"...as if they think its so much easier on mod...

And also why I'm looking to swap my Ko mod for a stock...anyone???????????

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  Onzaboymark said:
T-Lites... *shudders*

bah humbug, im surprised you dont like t-lites mark, they're pretty much a bmx...

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ooooh i apologise if thats too bitchy

I don't know what it is about half pedal ups, I just get NO power out of them :S Rolling gaps are fine but meh...no upwards motion

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