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No Petrol Cars On The Road After 2020?


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Dunno if I read it right in the mail today, but it's not NO petrol cars after 2020, but cars sold durring 2020 an onwards will have to be electric/hybrid? So there will still be petrol cars on the roads.

Which make him even more of a plank...

A petrol engine in a hybrid switching on an off will not be able to maintain exhaust temps sufficient for good emissions (as most processes to reduce tailpipe emission require heat input to work effectively).

Current research in SI engines is showing that they have the potential to be extremely clean, far better than hybrids, diesels or anything like that. Also consider that if no straight petrol engines are available, a lot of people will turn to diesel instead of hybrids and the worlds fuel production systems are still heavily biased towards petrol production. This is likely to lead to supply issues unless the infrastructure is heavily changed at the same time. I can't see that happening to accommodate a small country like ours, it would require larger nations doing the same (USA etc) which just won't happen.

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I havnt read any of this thread other than the title (sorry) so ignore this if its massivly stupid.

I was having this conversation with my dad this morning, I dont know wether by petrol you mean the death of the internal combustion engine or not but if so, I belive that this will take masses of joy out of driving and totally kill all motorsport (:() Because one of the things i like so much about race cars/nice road cars is the sound of that engine. Who wants to sit and listen to an electric car? A V8 burbling away in traffic then roaring away is music to my ears...

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does anyone know why diesel is more expensive than pertol? is it due to high processing costs, or is it purely due to the oil companies knowing that diesel engines are more efficient than petrol ones?

I think its neither bud. I think its based on the CO2 emissions, diesel is a worse pollutant than petrol. But the swings and roundabouts come into play, as diesel is much more efficient fuel, less is used to create similar results.

so if I had to choose one of your answers, I'd go with the oil companies one. There as a time when diesel was cheaper than petrol :o

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does anyone know why diesel is more expensive than pertol? is it due to high processing costs, or is it purely due to the oil companies knowing that diesel engines are more efficient than petrol ones?

I think it's something to do with the process of getting the oil from wherever turning into diesel or petrol and then to the car. Think disel costs more.

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I think it's something to do with the process of getting the oil from wherever turning into diesel or petrol and then to the car. Think disel costs more.

Diesel is a heavier fraction of oil than petrol, so technically it's easier to extract. Problem is, all the production facilities are set up to mass produce petrol so actually getting the diesel costs more. The other problem this leads to is that in Europe there is a high demand for diesel compared with petrol, which producers are struggling to meet. This also bumps the prices up.

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We should all buy electric cars, then we don;t have to burn anything any more! Problem solved!

completely foolish comment.

firstly, not many electric cars exist, so we'll have to make new cars. these processes use huge amounts of resourses! i personally believe that we need to start using the cars that are already in this world, rather than using up resourses to create new ones! think how many cars are just sitting around, not being used! also, electricity has to be produced somehow doesn't it!

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