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27.2 Pivotal Post ? Where To Get One ?


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Pretty much as the title suggests...

My 24" frame arrives monday and i needs a spanking seat to go on it.

where can i get a 27.2 light as fork post (I know they are made i just cant seem to find any :( )

and any nice stealthy black seats to recommend ? Liked wheelers one i seem to remember but no idea what it is ...



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DMR Lockjaw Seatpost - you can get it from Alansbmx. It's twennyfive squidders. Alans also have a mahoosive range of pivotal seats (Y)

(I was looking at it recently)

P.S. I've not actually used one before so I can't comment on it being great or anything, twas just the first one I found that was actually 27.2. P.S.S. Mark 1 - Rob 0 \/

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Im guessing youv browsed through the seats on alans bmx for the pivotals. Havnt looked for a while but I remember the macneil SL, kink and eclat seats being nice, there mostly on the same bases, but with different colours.

As for posts, Im pretty sure the 27.2s are the non stump posts. Although the new inspired posts are 27.2 arnt they? You could of course run a shim.... CRC do a 27.2-25.4 shim for about a fiver i think, Thats what I was planning on doing..

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£21.99 and free postage. Alans tend to be slow as f**k and cost a load more for postage than they should do.

All Pivotal posts are made by the same company because they're licensed to by Pivotal/Jay Miron. As a result, they should all be of similar quality, although judging from how toss a lot of DMRs stuff is they've probably found a way to f**k it up.

That particular one's not the "Stump" post model, it's like the O.G. one, so you'd need to file/mill down the post to slam it. I did it to my O.G. Macneil post and it worked fine, and it's essentially all they do to make it a 'stump' post, so go nuts...

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£21.99 and free postage. Alans tend to be slow as f**k and cost a load more for postage than they should do.

All Pivotal posts are made by the same company because they're licensed to by Pivotal/Jay Miron. As a result, they should all be of similar quality, although judging from how toss a lot of DMRs stuff is they've probably found a way to f**k it up.

That particular one's not the "Stump" post model, it's like the O.G. one, so you'd need to file/mill down the post to slam it. I did it to my O.G. Macneil post and it worked fine, and it's essentially all they do to make it a 'stump' post, so go nuts...

yeah i saw that one - didnt fancy the filing ... I know that a macneil stump 27.2 exists - i just dont know where they are available from - yeah i looked through a wide range of seats and wasnt sure - there were a couple of plain black ones that looked sweet - i think a kinkbikes one - SL pure black with a wee bit of white stitching. just wondered if anyone had any particular faves ...

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My friend has the kink on his BMX it is a really nice seat :)

your best bet for the stump is bmx race shops id imagine as its mainly race BMXs with that diameter seat tube.

If not.. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=1092 Its actually 25.4-27.2 but im sure itl do the job/tape/slices of coke can will shim out that extra 0.2mm

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If you have any troubles Rowan i will try the suppliers for the revelant products.

We have done insanely well on the Macneil SL and stump post.

A bike is also sex but a £3 more just for the post, its hard to justify.

Edited by sexymike
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Slammable-wise, it's all about the Inspired post. 27.2 stumpy pivotal post. Ask Dave ;) . Only other option is to get a standard BMX 25.4 post and get a shim. That's what I did before I got my Inspired setup...

dave didnt have any left :( so I went with a kink slim seat and a proper stump post with shim. :)

job done.

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