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How Many Trials Riders Smoke Weed ?

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Man speaks the truth......ive been a weed smoker for more than 5 years easily....and thats solid smoking......i ride wayyyyyyyyy better after a spliff i tend to chill out and relax alot more.

yes weed is a pretty bad drug...paranoia and lazyness is bad.....weed can ruin your life if you let it.but on the other hand helps with cronic pains....your joints and aches (Y)

4/5 doobies a night im happily chilled out and in a good mood.....everything feels normal once ive had a doobie......

yeah i know loads of you are even anti life......and are going to say your a dick for smoking weed.....well to all of you . im really not botherd ...:)

weed was put hear for us to smoke......or me at least.....

Would you say your addicted? im guessing your answer will be no and if i asked you if you could just stop smoking it at the click of your fingers im guessing your answer would be yeah. But i bet you couldn't. Weed isn't actually addictive either its all in your head. More and more companies are bringing in drugs test and they will just sack you. How are you going to build a career for your sell, im guessing in your head you think yeah ill just quit in a few years and get a job and lead a good life ect but it might not be the case what if you can't quit. All it takes is to be sacked once and your buggered, everytime your asked about your previous jobs your going to have to explain how you was sacked and, they won't employ you. You could try saying you never worked there so didnt get saked but then you have no reference and have to lie about a period of time an explain you did nothing. People find it hard to hold down relationships because there paranoid and gfs not likeing them smoking it but there addicted. you only have to watch jeremy kyle to see people who are addicted to weed with a family and weed is splitting the family apart and they could loose there child because of it.

Non of these things might happen your life might be great but theres a chance in won't be all because of weed. People put a steriotype on people and its easy to fall into that steriotype and not come of it. Alot of my mates from back in school smoked it and still do now, they spend like 100quid on a bag they all brickies now because thats the only thing for them to do as they didnt do well at school as they where to bothered about smoking weed and not giving a dam. SOme have dropped out of college as there not arsed and prefer to go round with mates and get a bag. You proberly won't listen to anyone and think your right but it sounds like your not just a teenager that like a spliff now and then when some one has some. Sounds like your addicted to be honest if you smoke it every night and relie on it.

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Last reply, cos its getting stilly, ok in UK its tottaly illegal, 1st off and second there is doctors proof cannabis has more tar etc than a normal ciggaret costs alot more and is stil verry dangerouse to health. But as many have said each to there own just hope they know all the is to know about it before consicering it :)

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Yeah most police forces dont do to much about smokers, its the dealers they want.

We got caught in a park a couple weeks ago and the cop scattered the weed on the ground and told us to leave. we went hid in a bush and waited till he left then picked up all the weed and had an epic session.

Case in point for many people. Think about it. There was a group of you 'scrounging' around on a dirty floor trying to collect bits of weed.


It is mind over matter really, weed will effect people in different ways. I don´t think that people who smoke weed should be looked down upon, I have never known it do to any real harm to people - it´s no worse then alcohol which is a main cause of violent behaviour with people.

Pointless topic though......

I think the main reason they are 'looked down upon' is that (at least around my way) a lot of pot heads are hippy dropouts with no lives, ambition or personal hygein.

Your stupid and should be closed!

just joining in the callum bashing.

My dad and brother smoke weed i don't see what the big deal is. many people do harder drugs and alcohol which in my eyes is worse im not saying i don't drink quite the opposite But theres been more deaths from alcohol than weed.

The guy who started this thread didn't at any time say people should smoke it or that it is cool to smoke it he just asked if anyone did so a simple answer would have been fine.

For me no i don't smoke it all the time just when pissed off or bored

You could argue more people die from alcohol, but you have to be aware that there is a FAR greater number of people who drink alcohol over those who smoke weed.

I don't smoke weed because I think that I am cool, I smoke it just to end the day and to relax.

I have an 80% average in academic university courses and I am going into grade 11. Sure i will stop one day, but i am young with lots of time left, and least I'm not vandalizing peoples properties and stealing shit. I ride trials, and love it, and maybe I end the day off once in awhile with a J or w.e. Sometimes maybe try to experience Herald and Kumar or some other movie, which is hilariously funny, in a better more lazy state.

Thanks joey.

So vandalising and smoking weed are your only local pass times? Read a book, write a book even. there are many other alternatives to weed and crime.

Man speaks the truth......ive been a weed smoker for more than 5 years easily....and thats solid smoking......i ride wayyyyyyyyy better after a spliff i tend to chill out and relax alot more.

yes weed is a pretty bad drug...paranoia and lazyness is bad.....weed can ruin your life if you let it.but on the other hand helps with cronic pains....your joints and aches (Y)

4/5 doobies a night im happily chilled out and in a good mood.....everything feels normal once ive had a doobie......

yeah i know loads of you are even anti life......and are going to say your a dick for smoking weed.....well to all of you . im really not botherd ...:)

weed was put hear for us to smoke......or me at least.....

Dave, Dave, Dave. I can ruin your life if you let it and it sounds like it has. even if you stopped today the damage could already be done. Also you shouldn't really be having chronic pains at your age, maybe around 60+. You've got to see how it affects you if you only feel ''normal'' after a few doobies.

Not having a go at anyone (I have tried smoking, wasn't my thing (and no not just once)) just I don't see the point.

Spend your money on taking a nice girl out to dinner, then after you've blown a few quid you might at least get some sexy time out of it, instead of sitting with some other stinky sweaty doods falling asleep with your heads in each others laps.

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Spend your money on taking a nice girl out to dinner, then after you've blown a few quid you might at least get some sexy time out of it, instead of sitting with some other stinky sweaty doods falling asleep with your heads in each others laps.

Yeah, the taking out for a meal is an hour out of the entire week - next?

I'm sure smokers do all of that as well, but just enjoy the odd joint.

It's their lives, they aren't directly harming anyone else... leave 'em to it!

One of my best mates smokes a lot of it, has a great job and no problems, enjoys his life so who cares?

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On the subject, if anyone wants to buy anything a bit more hardcore to f**k you up, give me a pm. I'll do you a good deal and its some good shit ;)

Don't trust him, I met up with him to buy some 'stuff' and he asked me to sniff his tissue. I woke up with a sore, bloody arse out my jeans down near a canal.

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So far, I agree with everything DLB and basher have said. (Y) Weed is all too common in Canada, and they've pretty much gotten rid of penalties for having it.

It actually grows naturally in Canada.

Weed does NOT grow naturally in Canada. It can be grown in our climate, but it's not native to these lands. Weed, back when it was first used for smoking, had a very low amount of THC. It was cross bred many times to have much higher amounts of THC, and there are many different sub species of marijuana.

All the government has done by reducing charges on weed, has made a generation of lazy, unintelligent and burnt out individuals.

Edited by Jason222
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So far, I agree with everything DLB and basher have said. (Y)   Weed is all too common in Canada, and they've pretty much gotten rid of penalties for having it.Weed does NOT grow naturally in Canada.  It can be grown in our climate, but it's not native to these lands. Weed, back when it was first used for smoking, had a very low amount of THC.  It was cross bred many times to have much higher amounts of THC, and there are many different sub species of marijuana.All the government has done by reducing charges on weed, has made a generation of lazy, unintelligent and burnt out individuals.

It actually does grow naturally.

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Ive seen close friends of mine affected so much by weed, and ive definately noticed a change in myself since i started smoking it, i always mix the first letters of consecutive words round so instead of 'head boy' ill say 'bead hoy' not even when im high anymore just on a pretty regular basis,and other stuff like just generally having a slower understanding of things a bit like my brain is just constantly at like 60% working.. even family who i dont see that much have picked up on it.

It is NEVER gonna be good for you, i still smoke it on a regular basis however. i know i shouldnt but im at the stage where it ll take a lot of willpower to quit - which i cant be bothereed for atm. soon though.

Obviously not gonna reccomend it, but if you wanna try do not let it get past a certain stage. straight up set your limits to how much and how often you smoke it or you will notice a negative long term change.

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Why can't you be bothered, you've pointed out all the risks, and all the problems. You personaly have the choice to stop, but you go ahead? Think you kind of contridict your self there.

nah, i totally disagree. i was in a similar boat with coke,i went through a short period of doing it last year before making the decision to quit. and despite it being supposedly so much more addictive than weed. quitting the drug was easy, 9am on a saturday morning, mates scrabbling money together to go pick up, i was like "feck this", and quit. didnt really get cravings for it. but the social(or perhaps anti social depending on how you look at it) for me at least, was way stronger than any hold the drug had on me.

it was a bad drug, and i dont really advise people get drawn into it, it costs a fair bit,and isnt all that (not going to discuss the physical/psychological benefits and drawbacks). but you know what, socially, they where like the best couple of months of my life in a long long time.

it was just like every friday, you knew from like 6pm till like 10pm on sunday,you knew the score. youd go and chill with your mates, few pints, out to town most likely, come back, sniff a bit, few tinnies/half a bottle of vod, films, xbox, etc. go to the shop nice and early once you ran out of coke, rack up on relentless, grab some food, bottle of vodka, another crate, head back, maybe kip for a bit, maybe not, go pick up again about midday,sit in, get drunk, play xbox, then go to town, come back, maybe sleep, maybe stay up and finish up what you got left. crash out, then wake up early avro, get showered, go to the pub for some food, as youve barely eaten all weekend, couple of pints, back home, and ready for work on monday.

when you stop, you cant do that anymore, and even if you could do it without drugs, you dont really want to be around that situation as temptation is quite high. so you end up sitting in bored out of your skull on a friday night. and saturday, and sunday, till you think "feck it, ill go round, see my mates, chill for a bit" and you slip into it again.

can see it actually being worse with weed, because of the smoke, you cant just go there, while there having a sesh, and not have any. and also sitting at home, its easy enough to just go and get a 10bag, and smoke it on your garage roof. looking at the stars. whereas theres very little urge to go and rack up a few lines and start balloonin in me front room to mtv.

wanting to stop/not advising people start, and actually stopping are 2 different things. id advise people dont get mongo'd on a weekend, loads of people would say dont smoke, but try stopping it, its rather hard.

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I think I may have tried a "doobie" in my life, but I wouldn't go out to get any purposely. Now having seen many more people smoking it at Uni, I see what little effect it has on people if they have it every now or then. I have seen people's heath deteriorate rapidly when they've smoked too much, but then they've stopped. I know we had a discussion on this and more serious drugs a while back, I seem to remember them just saying - If you're careful how you use it, your safer.

I can't remember exactly; so don't quote me on it.

Edited by Hendrix
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I think that many people does it....but it is part of the private life (because they are bad and not allowed), if you want to smoke, yo should do it far far away from the people hwo think that you are a healty guy (drugs are bad, and they don´t have to be promoted)...so we must go to Amsterdam to enjoy it in the middle of the street.....

keep jamin'

yes......i often smoke weed.....but i never smoke while i´m riding......it makes me feel that i am in Melmack


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