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How Many Trials Riders Smoke Weed ?

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  Callum-Luvs-Trials said:
* Callum now hide's under Keyboard thinking about what they might do to me*

But seriously, this thread is stupid and should be closed.

Your stupid and should be closed!

just joining in the callum bashing.

My dad and brother smoke weed i don't see what the big deal is. many people do harder drugs and alcohol which in my eyes is worse im not saying i don't drink quite the opposite But theres been more deaths from alcohol than weed.

The guy who started this thread didn't at any time say people should smoke it or that it is cool to smoke it he just asked if anyone did so a simple answer would have been fine.

For me no i don't smoke it all the time just when pissed off or bored

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  Callum-Luvs-Trials said:
I have a Job :) It makes me smile so I don' have to do weed really, also about this descussion, weed is very bad for you and riding will end up hurting because you might think you are superman and like do a Cls sidehop and then like fall and hurt yourself :)

thats like saying no one should start trials as they are likely to fall off....

  Callum-Luvs-Trials said:
Yes mate, it's only cancer. Wtf will that do to my health? Ow wait let me think...ALOT

Coming on here talking a lot of crap and telling people it’s ok to do weed and stuff is stupid, especially when you don’t know what you are talking about.

weed doesnt cause the cancer, tobacco does.

  Danny Kearns said:
Dave Anscombe on here, actually rides better if he's had a spliff before a ride or whatever.

to be honest, I don't think i've ever know him to ride without having weed before hand :P

I used to do it when i was like 13/14, then i just stopped doing it as i got older, i don't like it anyways.

haha ben rowland said he rides better when hes stoned too :P

danny, you seemed to like it when we met up at brum once... :P

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  Wet Banana said:
You can't overdose on weed, there has been no direct deaths from the use of it.

If you're worried about getting cancer from the tobacco, eat it. Or use a vaporiser, duh.

Why is everyone so anti weed on here?

you dont need to smoke it with tobacco.....

so you can still smoke it if you wanted :)

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  Tyler T said:
Is this you?


errr theyre on pills or worse, hense the water and crazyness, if you knew anything about weed youd know that it major chills you out mainly, and everything is interesting lol

its hard to explain, but its better then gettin drunk and just wanting to fight people lol

i did weed for like a year, and smoked alot of it .. like at least a henry (8th) week.. but mostly a sh!t load more lol

dont do weed, its illegal

only do it if you just want to have fun and are a bit of an idiot like me lol

i jus love the giggles and hate the hickups hahha

Edited by adrian@eastcoasttrials
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weed doesnt cause the cancer, tobacco does.

yes it does but you normally put tabacco in the same cigerette.

it makes it taste better aparently, but i wudnt know bescause i wudnt touch the stuff. i cant even stand the smell nevermind the affects and what it does to you in the long term.

Anyways, is this not a rather poinless topic as it is barely about trials. Just about weed/cannabis is it not?

Hope that helped

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  otaylor38 said:
weed doesnt cause the cancer, tobacco does.

yes it does but you normally put tabacco in the same cigerette.

it makes it taste better aparently, but i wudnt know bescause i wudnt touch the stuff. i cant even stand the smell nevermind the affects and what it does to you in the long term.

Anyways, is this not a rather poinless topic as it is barely about trials. Just about weed/cannabis is it not?

Hope that helped


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  Callum-Luvs-Trials said:
Yes mate, it's only cancer. Wtf will that do to my health? Ow wait let me think...ALOT

Coming on here talking a lot of crap and telling people it’s ok to do weed and stuff is stupid, especially when you don’t know what you are talking about.

Sorry, this is long overdue:

Please, someone ban this guy completely - he is a total f**king idiot and nearly every post he does winds me up.

If you'd read his post you'd have noticed the way it was written, ie cancer LOL. Meaning, nothing bad except that, which is really bad... I can't think of the word to use here but he knew it was bad but made a joke that it wasn't (Anyone care to help with the phrasing of that?)

But yeah, seriously, go away Callum.

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  TheScientist said:
Sorry, this is long overdue:

Please, someone ban this guy completely - he is a total f**king idiot and nearly every post he does winds me up.

If you'd read his post you'd have noticed the way it was written, ie cancer LOL. Meaning, nothing bad except that, which is really bad... I can't think of the word to use here but he knew it was bad but made a joke that it wasn't (Anyone care to help with the phrasing of that?)

But yeah, seriously, go away Callum.

Sorry, I think I might of written my post a little bit wrong.

The person above my post said the only downside of weed is Cancer, I was ment to put something sarcastic like "Ow its only cancer, what will that do to us?"

Hope i have cleared all that up?


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  joeyvaj said:
Also do you ever ride blitzed?!

Have you ever been "blitzed?" If you have the last thing in the world you want to do is get up and try to ride a bike. Your genrally on the search for crap foods.

  austen said:
I can see this topic getting closed mate :P As smoking weed is illegal i doubt people will discuss it on this forum.

Didn't see the thread on pills in chit-chat then?

  otaylor38 said:
yes it does but you normally put tabacco in the same cigerette. it makes it taste better aparently, but i wudnt know bescause i wudnt touch the stuff. i cant even stand the smell nevermind the affects and what it does to you in the long term.

No you put baccy in it to bump it up, aka get more joints spend longer enjoying it, and it genrally makes it burn better as well

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  spartan said:
Im not trying to like dismiss cancer and say like yeah its for sure cool to smoke weed im just saying that like if thats what you want to do go for it, its your body and as long as you know the downsides of what you are doing then its fine.

I do not think the govenment should control what we do to our own bodies, if we choose to dye young from cancer then so be it its our life.

Either way weed is a good way to have fun with you buddies and is relatively safe compaired to things like Cocaine, Heroin and Methamphetamines.

So yeah i smoke weed, i also ride alot, have an 82 average and am the best keeper in ottawa. And you do not have the moral ground required to look down on me for it.

Why do you need weed to have a good time? Poeple like that are just boring as hell and weed makes them even boringer.

And yes weed does f**k you up big style if you smoke enough of it for long enough. Theres a fella who works with my dad whos smoked it since he was a teenager. He's now like 30 odd and completely clueless and paranoid. He takes every critsism really badly and thinks that your against him.

Also it just turns you into a cabage after a while. I used no a lad who'd come round my cousins flat wered they'd be everything going round and theyd just sit there in the corner smoking joint after joint. Barly spoke and when he did he couldnt give you a stright answer.

As far as the topic goes....FAIL

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