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Need To Embarress My Girlfriend's Mum

trials rules

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Right! So the story is that my girlfriends mum is always looking for ways to embarres me. The other week she came into Tesco when i was working behind the till on a busy afternoon and handed me an Ann Summers bag containing lemon flavour body lick off stuff, a box of flavoured jonnies and some chocolate body paint. Naturally the people i work with wanted to know what was in the bag so had to empty the contents..

There's also a few other little bits but i think it's time i got my revenge!

The thing is i really don't know what to do. She works in an open plan shared office so i thought about sending something in for her...but what?!

Other than that, and doing/buying stupid things when we are all out together, i have no idea so help would be great!

A point to note is that we are basically family and up for a laugh so almost nothing is out of the question!

Edited by trials rules
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What we did once to a mate was quiet good. Buy a cheap porn mag, then you always get a leaflet that you need to fill in to get like free shit. We filled it in with his name, address everything real. About 2 weeks later he ended up with loads of sex toys, inlargers the lot, but got like a magazine a day whcih wasnt covered, so everyone could see it was a porno ha. Do the same to her work address that would be class/imbarasing/get her saked :P

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A Strip-O-Gram is a form of message delivery in which a woman or man will perform a striptease while singing or dancing. The word is a combination of telegram and striptease. This type of entertainment became popular in the 1970's in the US and spread to the UK and Europe during the 1980's. Exact dates are difficult to ascertain however, as there does not appear to have been any major research carried out on the subject.

Typically a Strip-O-Gram is most often a form of gift given for a birthday, anniversary or bachelor party. A common practice is for the strippergram to be dressed in an outfit of one kind or another and to act out some form of charade connected with this, before commencing their act - for example a police officer 'arresting' somebody, a lawyer pretending to serve papers, a jilted bride and so on, (sometimes this charade will be relevant to something the intended 'victim' has experienced, such as a divorce, or brush with the law).

An increasingly popular dynamic in this form of entertainment is humiliation of the intended victim, with mild bondage (for example, the use of handcuffs), partial undressing of the victim and so on. Boundaries vary widely, with sexual acts occasionally coming into the equation.

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Take a kinky picture of you and the missus and the stuff she got you. Not to explict to be going to far but enuff for her to be embarrsed and get the idea your naked and whats happening, With a note on back saying sumert like thanks for the stuff <insert mums name>. <insert gf name> said she love licking it off............ leaveing it like that with dots. Then send to her work.

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is there any chance that the prezzies weren't for you and your girlfriend?

back to the topic,i would send her a dildo with the girth of a baked bean can or something sent to her work ,but. . . . . don't put a name on the package so the receptionist will open it and find the dildo with a note saying something like"dear ...... , i hope you enjoy this sizable gift and use it well,hope to hear from you soon,love Mr x "

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