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What the f**k... :ermm:

It only seems like yesterday (a few years, now, it must be) when i was trying to persuade Rob to make me a Senior Member. He was a sound bloke and really easy to chat to...

Why? Just, why? :(

R.I.P. Robert Janson x

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Rob was a guy of many talents. I was very fortunate to work alongside him and see the design skills that he had developed at such a young age. He designed & made the original pair of Vee adapters which got me interested in the idea. Then he was very keen to hear my ideas of mass producing it and always a pleasure to talk with, albeit by email and PM. I wish I had made the effort to phone him. He also did all the difficult work on the CNC Magura backings, which I will be eternally grateful to him for. He was one of the many guys on TF that it comforted me to think was destined for great things.

Now all we can do is to live our lives on behalf of the many riders who are no longer with us, be the best we can be, and celebrate their lives and how they touched our lives.



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I found out about this at about 6pm and had no idea what to type. I've still not. I knew Rob well. We have talked so much on msn over the years about all sorts of unimportant things. A great guy, i've never ever ever ever heard a bad word about him on rides, msn, the forum or off anyone. It's mad that i feel so upset right now after feeling like loosing such a friend, when i don't even know what Rob looks like... But we still knew each other well. This forum is a crazy place for things like this. You can consider someone your friend having never met them...

I'm going to miss you Rob XXX...



RIP Beau

RIP Janson

Who knows what tomorrow brings. Make the most of now...

You're all remembered,


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I'm lost for words about the whole incident, he came to stay at my house last year and to think that he's gone in such a tragic manner is a terrible thought.

There have been a number of people from here that have died before, and terrible as they are, I never knew these people as much as I knew Janson.

I first spoke to him almost 6 years ago, he was an incredibly intelligent funny guy, and he will be sorely missed by all.

I really don't know what to say because I still can't believe this incident has happened, I have a lot of good memories from him and it's so saddening that there won't be any more.

Condolences to all his family, it must be an incredibly difficult time.

R.I.P Robert, you will be missed.

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It's sad to read all these comments, they're all exactly what I was thinking but couldn't get myself to write yesterday. Rob was such a great dude. Clever and funny and very down to earth. He was also one of my best friends even outside riding and we talked every week, mainly about biking, techinical and mechanical stuff and music. He only got to finish 2 of the 5 years at Chalmers Univeristy where he studied to become a Mechanical Engineer. I'm pretty sure he was the youngest in his year, as people have mentioned he was very talented with such things.

The last time we met was either when I came to see his band play like a month back or when we rode in the central park here in Gothenburg. We didn't do much actual riding, mainly just talked about the summer and all the good things that were to come... He had gotten a really weird job for two weekends, he and his friends at Uni got to do a show in the pause of the monstertruck show Monster Jam, they had a "rollover" contest, driving old cars trying make it roll the most rotations. He did this and seemed to have a lot of fun, but was really busy with fixing the cars so we couldn't ride for a few weeks.

I arranged so that he could come to a job interview at my work, as I thought it would be the perfect summerjob for him (mechanical workshop and engineering) and wanted to kind of pay back some on all the times he has helped me with just about anything.

The last footage of him is from two months back, and only last week I was on my way to posting it on here. I entered the video to a video competition here in Sweden, where all the semi-finalists get their video shown in all Burger King restaurants in Sweden (300 screens), and our video got there! The video will be aired for 8 weeks, and Rob seemed quite proud of it, his last MSN conversation name translates to "burger kings new video celebrity. in your face"

it's all so horrible , Rob was one of those people who really made an impression. i'll be reminded of him a lot. :(

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Like so many others, I have no idea what to say. It's been a long while since I've spoken to Rob but we used to chat a lot more when I first joined this site and the trials scene. Feel numb that we haven't spoken for so long and no wont have a chance.

RIP buddy.

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I only met Robert once, this was on a very old London ride, there was even a video of that ride he made! :(

Spoke to him briefly, but what a guy. So down-to-earth and very kind to everyone. His first impression has stuck with me this whole time.

Rest in peace Janson, you will be missed.

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Seemed like a good lad, and was a friend of FatMike's. Sorry to all and thoughts go out to all the people who are close to him.

I remember a quote from a video saying...

Janson - I had to take one for the team

Girl - Was she pretty?

Janson - ........

Janson - .... No.

Haha :lol:

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It's getting silly now...

DJ, Oli, Beau, Janson...

I want to tell everyone to be careful and safe, but in reality you need to make the most of your life because you never know when it will end. I was talking to Simps on MSN last night and it's crazy how fragile life is, we take it for granted that we'll not be the ones that die - we think it happens to everyone else. In such tragic circumstances it brings it home just how easily one tiny little blip can take you down.

Just think how many choices we make per day, to cross the road or not, to ride round that corner a bit fast or slow down a bit, to drive round that country lane slightly faster than you should... At the time you probably don't think about it, you think "Ah, I'll be alright". But in reality, you could spin off and hit a tree, you could step out at the wrong time, anything could happen. It's scary how easy one little mistake can be made.

By all means go out and enjoy yourselves, just think twice before doing stuff guys - we can't keep losing friends, family and just generally decent, smart, young people.

I hope if there is a heaven or anything after this life, that all 4 of you guys are there enjoying it.

My thoughts go out to the parents, friends and family of all the people we've lost.

They will never be forgotten.

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