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British Championship Round Three

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british championship Round Three

link to entry form on , www.ukbiketrial.co.uk

<H2 style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">2008 British BikeTrial Championship Round 3 Lee Quarry, Lee Road, Bacup, OL13 Permit No. ACU22698</H2><H2 style=MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"> </H2>Sunday 13th July 2008 Signing on at 8-30am. Trial Starts at 10-00 am.

Clerk of Course: Carol Slinger (Licence No. 132889) Stewards: TBA

Trial Secretary: Carol Slinger, 3 Meadowfield, Halton-on-Lune, Lancaster, LA2 6PT Tel 01524 811027

email: carol.slinger@hotmail.co.uk CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES:- Thursday 10th July 2008.

DIRECTIONS: Signed from the A681 Rawtenstall to Bacup Road, Turn opposite Lea Mill Furnishing. Map on website.

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Yeah, well done Ali!

Enjoyed the event very much. The venue is awesome. I need to get fitter lol! Also got bad hand cramp which coupled with a shit rear brake isn't great. I was happy with some of my cleans though.

Sections were well laid out and the man made stuff is so good!

Massive thanks to Carol and Alan Slinger, plus all the observers, section setters etc.

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yep, cheers to the slingers, they have put a lot of work into these events, also to the observers giving up their day....ta!

Well done to Savage the elite win, also to Tim Steadman for yet another win (on form this year!)

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Great comp, really great venue, amazing the stuff ali and the council have done there.

Sections were good, a good mix, i just had a crappy ride, so many stupid mistakes, realy idiotic ones.

Need to work on my fitness, especially with long sections like today,( having to go all the way down to the bottom car park to get my spare front wheel didnt help!)

Well done to everyone who helped out, and everyone who rode


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Top Trial!!!

I really did not get off to a good start just was not in the right frame of mind. But soon sorted that out had some good rides, also had some very unlucky ones. Got a puncher on the easiest section then cleaned the log one only to miss the last gate and get a 5 I nearly cried. Most of the section I needed 5-10 second more to get out was so anointing. I need to work on me fitness a little and speed that is why UCI is so good. But still is nice to do a bit of bashing now and again hehe. The section where the best I have rode all year amazing venue. It really help that it was a nice day thought.

Big Thanks to everyone!!! How set out and for the people that rode there was not that many of us :(

Tom A

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Well done Carol - brilliant event after an awful lot of hard work and so soon after the last - I'm really going to have to pull the stops out to top your event at Hook Woods!!! on 21 September. As I was observing only have pics of the man made sections 2 and 3 but havent worked out how to get them on the forum so follow the link as usual http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/ebtcbiketria...upLeeQuarry2008

Dave B

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