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Anyone Else Had Problems With Trials Uk

sideburns(dnt ask)

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Hi Guys,

Well as the title might suggest i'm having a problem with trials-uk.

basically i was double charged for an item and after noticing this on my bank statement i contacted them and was told a cheque would be sent off.

two week later still not here so i rang them and was told it hadn't been sent off. so i asked for a bank transfer. i waited a week for that and when it still hadn't gone through

i rang them again and they told me that the cheque had been sent off. waited another week, still no cheque. I rang them again early last week ad was told it would be with me by the end of that week. It still hasn't come and im unsure as to what to do??

has anyone else had similar troubles or and advice?

(not at all intended to be derogatory to trials-uk as a company, but i am in need of advice with my current situation with them)


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In all honesty, you probably won't need to. Usual TF T-UK threads start off with someone having an issue, someone suggesting an answer, someone bitching about Dan Ko/T-UK, Dan Ko/T-UK bummers jumping to his defence, random arguements, "FAIL" pics being posted up, then Dan saying "I'll sort it out now", then you going "Awesome, thanks, I love Trials-UK!" when you get your money.

Seriously, it happens every time.

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