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Matt GU

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hey all me and nathan coward are going to make a trip to pompey if anyone fancys it we will be at the guild hall steps for 10am, just reply here

1 Matt hardy

2. Nathan coward

3. Steve coombes

Edit: Anyone know where theres is free parking for Me?

Id just like to add my frames better then nathans lol

Edited by Matt GU
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sorry guys no can do on the friday...at work till half 3 ot shit loads of things to do when i get back I.E sorting demo things for the outdoor lifestyle show because this is going to be a rather big dooo 3 days of demos...8 sets a day...

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if new frames here, yes.

hopefully it shall then

sorry guys no can do on the friday...at work till half 3 ot shit loads of things to do when i get back I.E sorting demo things for the outdoor lifestyle show because this is going to be a rather big dooo 3 days of demos...8 sets a day...


I am defo in!!

nice one m8 see you there

hmmm very tempting. Will let you know during the week:)

Do it rossy you know you want too

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