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Seller Not Sending Out Items....


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I havent got money till friday soo i wont be able to pay you back till friday.

Why did you tell him this then...?

He's still being a f**king cock, told me friday he would refund me and then on saturday fed me some bullshit that he couldn't casue he was at his dads and wasnt back until mondy, and then on monday he told me he was still at his dads and it would be in my account by last Night, Guess what......

........It wasnt

If youre reading this then I want my f**king money back You Thieving b*****d.

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I havent got money till friday soo i wont be able to pay you back till friday.

Well If thats the case then you best empty you're Mums paypal account pretty quickly cause if my £13's in there, it won't be by the morning.


Edit: The whole " I'll Pay you ......" bollocks is wearing thin, normally i wouldn't mind waiting 2 days but its more like 2 f**king months, borrow it, steal it, sell youre f**king body, i dont care, just get me my f**king money.

Edited by Adam-Griffin
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I told you i cant get any money till friday i think you should except that cos you wont be able to get anyhting out of me till then.

So i'm supposed to wait and belie You ?

Ffs, why do it in the f**king first place, i want either my Bars, or my money by friday, Preferabbly my Money.

If I'm still waiting I won't be f**king happy.

Obviously not SImple enough JT...

Edited by Adam-Griffin
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Yeah, I never quite understood the thinking behind "I've just sold stuff, but don't have any money to send it"

It's true, people are becoming FAR more retarded...

Yeah it's pretty bad. But Tom is just stupid enough to spend his money on sausage rolls instead.

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Yeah it's pretty bad. But Tom is just stupid enough to spend his money on sausage rolls instead.

So so true.

Im riding with him tommorow dudes i will ask him whats going on with the postage for you.


Edited by ToMhIlL131
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Way too much of this shizzle on here now, when i sell stuff i make sure it's described exactly as it is and i send it as soon as i have payment as thats how i would like to be treated if i bought something on here. A better selling and buying system needs to be introduced to protect us from this sort of thing. -Hugh

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Right im really sorry about messing you all around...

I have sent everybodys stuff out now... my only reason of not sending stuff is just plain lazy.

And also having money problems etc...

But i shouldnt of messed you around... just waiting for adam to reply to my pm asking if he stillw anst the bars or his money back.

You can put scammer on my profile i dont care..

I havent got money till friday soo i wont be able to pay you back till friday.


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