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Seller Not Sending Out Items....


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This may sounds silly - is Oxford in Oxfordshire? If so i can let you borrow a pair of bars i have so you can get riding. My mate Ross is going there this weekend i think.... They're only onza ones, but you could use them until you get yourself sorted?


I don't know Max???

I got scammed on here and opened a dispute. You can only recieve the amount of money in his account to the value that you paid, but in my case i got half my money back (as he did not have the full amount i paid) and half a bike :P . But it worked out, so i'd say its always worth a try!


Muchly appreciated but i Moved to Northern Ireland on friday just havn't had chance to change my location, Thanks anyway though :)(Y)

Just going to find out if they have arrived at where i asked themto be sent to and if not im going to dispute it and Hopefully get my money back :S

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someone else is having the same problem as you by the sounds of it.

imo - i know he hasn't replied to pm's, but get a mod/admin to send him a pm explaining that if he doesn't send you an explanation that he will be banned from trading on this site. And continue to explain that once resolved - if he still hasn't sent it out he will be banned from the site.

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someone else is having the same problem as you by the sounds of it.

imo - i know he hasn't replied to pm's, but get a mod/admin to send him a pm explaining that if he doesn't send you an explanation that he will be banned from trading on this site. And continue to explain that once resolved - if he still hasn't sent it out he will be banned from the site.

From past experiences, warnings like that don't really do much. People still feel pretty untouchable if it's just a written warning from someone on a messageboard, but they're holding onto someone's actual money.

Dude sounds like a turd anyway. I don't really care how 'sound' someone is or anything like that, if they're dicking around with someone else's stuff/money, and refusing to talk to them about it and repeatedly lying to them, then they aren't a 'sound' person.

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Just asked him on msn and he went offline...

He's back on now, told me he sent them last week.

so if he has sent them last week - why is he ignoring pm's? hmmm - if i was 100% certain that i sent something i wouldn't ignor someone when they said they hadn't recieved it

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jumping out of a bin always works hmm



Someone, in person, actually needs to have a chat with him. Talking to someone in person about touchy subjects usually makes them sort their s**t out.

This only happens once in a blue moon, and just makes TF look a bit dodgy. :(

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Someone, in person, actually needs to have a chat with him. Talking to someone in person about touchy subjects usually makes them sort their s**t out.

This only happens once in a blue moon, and just makes TF look a bit dodgy. :(

You not seen all the other threads in ChitChat about similar stuff in the past few weeks then? Thought you'd even replied to some of them :P

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Yeah he claims to have sent my frame today, considering i payed 3 weeks ago, this is takeing the piss -.-

Atleast he's replying to you :(

Any one got his mobile number ?

Also, would i be wrong in leaving him negative feedback now as a bit of an incentiveto get of his arse and send them ?

Started the dispute 2 days ago but heard nothing from him, Think you may be right Max :(

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Is there any way that a mod/admin can odisable his posts or something ? He's coming on here and posting still :(

I'm guessing the admin don't want to ban or put them in the scammer group as they can't post in here so they're less likely to be cooperative.

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