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My Koxx Days Video


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I know this is a few months late, but i had my last exam yesterday so edited this video. I went with Wally, who drove and we left at about 1 in the morning on friday and got back about 5 monday morning. It was the best weekend i have ever had in my life (thanks Wally for driving and evrything (Y) ).

Starts off with some filming of the driving down there, then riding, Chai singing, more riding, bonfires + gas canisters and a crazy french kid. It hasn't really come out as i wanted, but i couldn't be bothered to spend alot of time on it.

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Let me know what you all think :)

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Cool vid, cant wait to go. Tip for bonfires put a tin of beans on, massive bang the tin goes flying!

it doesn't. We did that with a 5kg tin of raped carrots and it didn't explode :(

Chai's singing btw is more offputting than I showed ;) I would have done that fence if he wasn't singing.... Good vid Jon, see you again next year?

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Cool vid, cant wait to go. Tip for bonfires put a tin of beans on, massive bang the tin goes flying!

I think the second clip at the end was 2 tinned cans, can't remember. But we found out that empty gas cannisters make one big bang ha.

it doesn't. We did that with a 5kg tin of raped carrots and it didn't explode :(

Chai's singing btw is more offputting than I showed ;) I would have done that fence if he wasn't singing.... Good vid Jon, see you again next year?

Yeah i'm definately going to go next year no matter what, will hopefully be able to be there for the week. Hopefully going to go this summer B)

congrevulations ey :P

you managed to make it look like a really sunny week!


Cheers dude. Remeber our ride on Sunday morning when it was raining heavy, that was mad, me you and Wally were like the only few no comp riders out :)

Forgot to say that most/all? of this was filmed on the Saturday when it didn't rain much, and that's also why i'm wearing the same clothes in all clips.

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