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I think people are blowing this whole spelling thing out of proportion...

Yes - I take care over my posts - but spelling mistakes, and especially typo's - are inevitable.

The bigger problem is grammar.

if you type a whole post like this asking if you should get a stock but you really like the look of echo lites and the new onza ice but im 6' so am i too big or will it be ok thanks for any help you give im such a n00b at trials lol - you're NOT going to be recieved well.

You could ONLY be recieved less well, if you did the same but in text-talk.

It's the complete lack of grammar that annoys me.

Not saying go overboard and learn the exact circumstances of when the semi-colon should be used... Just BASIC grammar.

Also - maybe we should make the Wiki thing slightly more prominent (/better :P) , so that new users can see it and use it - instead of making all these "useless topics". ..That is - except people like Callum - who will make them anyway.

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Who wants to bet that the majority of full members posting in here have been extra careful with their spelling and puntuation...?

illegible threads angers us

Honestly, if it bothers you that much, I would suggest not coming in here or even maybe some councelling.

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There's more than one spelling mistake. Make the effort in your posts an people will read what you have to say. Can't say fairer than that?

All the full members cream the rule book and treat it like a bible! If you make one spelling mistake they take your head off!

Who wants to bet that the majority of full members posting in here have been extra careful with their spelling and puntuation...?

You spelt punctuation wrong you missed a 'c'

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And again, shows my point of the topic having mistakes and the topic going completely towards the topic starter about his spelling, grammar.

Well yeah, if it's that bad that is what's going to happen. You wouldn't see a topic with that kinda of mistake in the title in the members section.

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just an observation: has anyone else noticed that full members write in proper english in the nmc, but in full members threads people tend to use a bit of the old text talk and dont bother with thier grammer? not that im any good at english :P

edit: thats only targeted at a selected group, cause theres alot of people on here who write good all the time :P (you see nmc'ers, proof reading just saved my ass from a big argument and e-head kicking :) )

Edited by Bearded Midget
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Why do you care about being validated into a forum which annoys you so much and you will have no respect in because you've been so annoying on here? My advise- Give up. Don't get validated, you will be ripped by everyone even more. Or just start a new account secretly and try again.

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Why do you care about being validated into a forum which annoys you so much and you will have no respect in because you've been so annoying on here? My advise- Give up. Don't get validated, you will be ripped by everyone even more. Or just start a new account secretly and try again.

Did I ever say I wanted validating?

Edit: Tried your second idea, didn't work.

Edited by Callum-Luvs-Trials
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Does this new members system actually work ? I joined when i was in high school, 02 i think and then again in 04 because my account must have been deleted due to inactivity and there was no system like this then.

I think this whole validation process is a pointless barrier dividing the community unnecessarily. Would new members get more chance to gain respect by posting where their peers post? I think so. They would have more topics to reply to and more to add to the forum. I also think they would get more of their "newb" questions answered properly because there wouldn't be a divide in the community. This divide is just allowing the more immature full members to "bully" new members. If your going to stick with this system then maybe the 'senior' members should set an example and help the newbies. Also create sticky posts witch might stop FAQs being asked over and over again.

As for kids joining the forums and making spelling mistakes and writing pointless replys, set rules and enforce them properly. Warnings and temp bans. You don't have to have a selection process for your secret society to pick the cream of the crop.

We are all here because we love trials. Everyone has the same interest so the community should be tight but also welcoming of new members interested in the sport.

just my 2cents

Edited by Reiff
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Does this new members system actually work ? I joined when i was in high school, 02 i think and then again in 04 because my account must have been deleted due to inactivity and there was no system like this then.

I think this whole validation process is a pointless barrier dividing the community unnecessarily. Would new members get more chance to gain respect by posting where their peers post? I think so. They would have more topics to reply to and more to add to the forum. I also think they would get more of their "newb" questions answered properly because there wouldn't be a divide in the community. This divide is just allowing the more immature full members to "bully" new members. If your going to stick with this system then maybe the 'senior' members should set an example and help the newbies. Also create sticky posts witch might stop FAQs being asked over and over again.

As for kids joining the forums and making spelling mistakes and writing pointless replys, set rules and enforce them properly. Warnings and temp bans. You don't have to have a selection process for your secret society to pick the cream of the crop.

We are all here because we love trials. Everyone has the same interest so the community should be tight but also welcoming of new members interested in the sport.

just my 2cents

The senior members are usually pretty helpful before being made senior members. Its the normal members that need to pick up their attitude.

Thing is though there's no real divide. If someone can show they can contribute to the forum in a positive way and seem friendly and helpful they get validated pretty quickly. If someone can't spell (which is annoying but not gospel like some people make out), makes a useless topic about pads etc. (like callum has with this one, theres loads of topics about NMC seemingly getting worse) and argues/bickers with other new members they clearly have nothing to contribute to the forum. Why have a whole forum full of illiterate kids arguing when they can be kept in one place.

Those with half a brain don't stay in here for too long. Those that can't grasp simple concepts and who cause fights aren't wanted... as with pretty much all social circles in life.

As for me. If someone makes a topic, asking a genuine and realistic question then i'll write a reply that helps as best i can. If someone writes a bad topic thats full of spelling errors with some lame question i won't bother reading or answering. If someone makes an awful topic that has bad spelling, complaining, piss-taking and has no clear content whatsoever than i'll probably write some stupid answer back. Seems fair enough to me.

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Why have a whole forum full of illiterate kids arguing when they can be kept in one place.

The thing is you don't have to make a separate subforum, locking new members in there assuming they are going to be illerate kids, and then selecting the best of the rest or the people you like over the people you dont like. Simply moderate the forum better, maybe the sport does attract a lot of these types and thats why you have done this to the forum.. i don't know. But most forums I am a member on simply enforce rules and moderate the forum. Nonsense posts can be avoided with sticky topics and FAQs.

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The thing is you don't have to make a separate subforum, locking new members in there assuming they are going to be illerate kids, and then selecting the best of the rest or the people you like over the people you dont like. Simply moderate the forum better, maybe the sport does attract a lot of these types and thats why you have done this to the forum.. i don't know. But most forums I am a member on simply enforce rules and moderate the forum. Nonsense posts can be avoided with sticky topics and FAQs.

Moderate the forum better? The mod's do have a life.

Seriously, if NMC was unleashed into all sections of the site it would be chaos.

This forum is too big to just be "moderated better" - this system is genius, none of the forums I use have this feature, and I don't visit them every day nor do I know a lot of the members personally. Know why? because 90% of those forum members are twats. This system more or less filters them out...

I think it's the best thing TF has done to date!

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Moderate the forum better? The mod's do have a life.

Seriously, if NMC was unleashed into all sections of the site it would be chaos.

This forum is too big to just be "moderated better" - this system is genius, none of the forums I use have this feature, and I don't visit them every day nor do I know a lot of the members personally. Know why? because 90% of those forum members are twats. This system more or less filters them out...

I think it's the best thing TF has done to date!

Possibly new member moderators, under a differnent name like valadaters ? Would be a good idea ?

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It takes 5 seconds to read each paragraph as you type it, so don't start making excuses. Playing the Dyslexia card is annoying too, you're just too damn lazy to check your spellings.

That what really gets on my tits about NMC everyone blames there Dyslexia. Iam dyslexic ( not even sure thats spellet right) and dont blame my life's worth of failure on it. My point is, if you are dyslexic then you should already know from the hours of support lessons etc to read your work.

But spelling aint the main issue. I think its people who have been in NMC for a long time (not aimed at Callum for the record) raping new new members because there trying to get them selfs validated but showing off to the mods or whatever

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The thing is you don't have to make a separate subforum, locking new members in there assuming they are going to be illerate kids, and then selecting the best of the rest or the people you like over the people you dont like. Simply moderate the forum better, maybe the sport does attract a lot of these types and thats why you have done this to the forum.. i don't know. But most forums I am a member on simply enforce rules and moderate the forum. Nonsense posts can be avoided with sticky topics and FAQs.

Mikes covered it really. Aside from how NMC blocks most scammers and thieves obviously.

The sport is mostly made up by teenage kids, who are known for their immaturity. I had to go through the validation process as did 90% of the people on here, i didn't complain, i didn't moan and i was helpful and polite. I was in here for less than a week before being a full member. A week isn't even considered a long time... now theres more mods and admin it can be a case of one or two posts and your made into a member. Yet the annoying ones stay behind. Once your a full member you appreciate how much difference polite, easy reading makes.

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You guys all started back pedaling and slowing down on the slating as soon as the guy with "moderator" and "senior member" in their title started posting in page 3.

Honestly, if you guys don't have anything productive to say in NMC (I'm talking to full members here) then get the f*ck out. Seriously. You're making yourself, this forum and this sport look like sh*t when you do this. You're not better than anyone, don't kid yourself. I've been riding for about 2 months now. I was validated pretty damn quick if I do say so. It only took about 2-3 posts and I was validated. After making a few posts in the full members chat I've quickly come to realize that I should be posting in the NMC (that's New Members Chat for you grammar nazis) because I am new and I do need newbie type help! I'd like to think I want my first trials bike to be a mod, but I don't know for sure. Who has the strongest forks at a somewhat lower price than top of the line? Who has the best frame? Who has the best brake levers? I don't f*cking know, but I do know that I'd think twice about asking anyone in the Full Members Chat for any help with anything like that.

Really guys, we do have a double standard. In the FMC it's pretty laid back and most people are pretty cool there. There are a few pretentious riders, yeah. There are a few arrogant riders, yeah. But more or less it's a helpful place where if you search and post a topic and actually write "hey I searched for this but couldn't find the answers I was looking for" people are pretty cool.

A while back someone said something about people in NMC not wanting to search for too long because:

1) It takes ages to weed through the ridiculous amounts of irrelevant posts

2) It's more fun, direct and exciting waiting for responses to your post. I know the first one I made here I was checking back every 10-15mins because I was super excited at what people were going to say to me.

I guess my point is, if you don't have anything productive to say in NMC, get out of it. You know who you are so don't start looking around like the guilty guy is the one sitting in the back of the classroom. It's you, you know it's you. Stop being a pr*ck. Think about it, when you first picked up a bike (any bike) and thought to yourself that trials was cool, were you as good as you are now? No. No you weren't. Everyone was new sometime. Reflect on that.

EDIT: I didn't know that B ) is an emoticon... had to change the list to numbers. A and B sounds so much more... lecture...y... yeah

Edited by Sabiot
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What ever works for the forum i guess. I was asking for your opinions on the system, i can see its benefits but it has its negs as well.

Name one negative...

I honestly can't think of one.

If you post well, you get through the system. If you don't, you stay here. It's all down to the user at the end of the day.

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