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Nmc, What Has Ahppened.

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Good points by JT and OD404, I do agree, but I used to txt talk all the time (MSN, texting, emailing...) but as soon as I signed up to the forum I read the rules and followed them and was validated by about 15-20 posts I seem to remember.

If your spell checker doesn't work, write your posts in word (of equivalent if your using a Mac) and then paste it in! Its common sense really isn't it? (or you could just listen at school...)

I'm sorry (actually, no I'm not), I just don't buy any excuse for spelling badly. I was shockingly bad at spelling, yet from coming on here and having to spell properly (amongst other things) its really helped with it and my spelling has come on loads, with age I suppose. Typos, again, its being careless. I'm reasonably competent with a computer keyboard, so I don't need to look down when I'm typing, I just stay looking at the screen. That is a pretty recent thing though and before that I used to just read through my post after I'd written it and before posting it. There is no excuse.

And your still doing it.


Anyway, I intend to not venture back into NMC for quite a long time after this post, as I think I've made my voice heard.

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I can see where your all coming from that it is annoying, But if the topic is nothing which you can contribute to, They is no need to be a rather big penis about it.

They are a few good people in Nmc that get validate in days and then nothing else good is left in Nmc, So that why we are left with the same people just repeating topics.

This post was not aimed at anyone.

Exactly!!! All you do is moan. Just accept your never going to get validated and stop posting pointless topics.

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To answer the original question, I.E: "What has happened to NMC?" You got sent here instead of being banned, then all the full members see when they stray in here is you going on about the injustice of it all.

EDIT: I'll finish that shall I? and then we get pissed off with NMC as a whole and either leave or get nasty. Therefore, it's all your fault.

Edited by Muel
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And that my lad is why you'll never get validated!

Well i'm not getting very far anyway.

To answer the original question, I.E: "What has happened to NMC?" You got sent here instead of being banned, then all the full members see when they stray in here is you going on about the injustice of it all.

EDIT: I'll finish that shall I? and then we get pissed off with NMC as a whole and either leave or get nasty. Therefore, it's all your fault.

I didn’t say one thing about validation, it was everyone else who mentioned it!

Edit: How is it all my fault? You just have a problem with me, that’s all. And how do you know I got put in here instead of getting banned, how do you know that? It's your opinion, Your not a mod, it was there choice to make.

Edited by Callum-Luvs-Trials
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I can see where your all coming from that it is annoying, But if the topic is nothing which you can contribute to, They is no need to be a rather big penis about it.

They are a few good people in Nmc that get validate in days and then nothing else good is left in Nmc, So that why we are left with the same people just repeating topics.

This post was not aimed at anyone.

You see, what you wrote there was a good example of what i was talking about. That was difficult for me to read, and thus irritating. It'd have taken 1 min to read back what you wrote and you'd find half a dozen things that just don't make sence, inc "they is no need" and "so that why we".

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I can see where your all coming from that it is annoying, But if the topic is nothing which you can contribute to, They is no need to be a rather big penis about it.

They are a few good people in Nmc that get validate in days and then nothing else good is left in Nmc, So that why we are left with the same people just repeating topics.

This post was not aimed at anyone.

No shit?

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Nice topic and i agree with what you said callum :).

I dont mean to join the masses by slating you guys, but by posting a topic like "Nmc, What has happened" you're just wasting space on the forum.

This is supposed to be a forum for trials riders and enthusiasts to discuss trials and things that are actually interesting, not an excuse for non-validated members to have a strop and winge about the poor treatment they may or may not be receiving.

Please dont take offence at this but how about you man-up, stop moaning, and start discussing something interesting. I'm now very bored with this topic and am devastated that i've wasted ten minutes of my life reading and replying.

They're ten minutes i'll never see again :(

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It's a good point your making, theres not much need for forum members to use the new members chat unless they genuinely want to give helpful advice or contribute to the topic. There are 10 other sub forums which are full of topics that are slightly more interesting, I guess some people just like to make themselves feel clever or cool.

Having said that, some people are just asking for it, but that still doesn't mean that everyone has to have a go. The guidelines are there for people to read, its upto them as to whether or not they wish to read them.

I never read the guidelines, couldn't be arsed. I just spelt right and had Jonny's help ;)

plus, just make yourself out to be a nice guy, that's interested genuinely in the sport and you will get validated.

Why doesn't everyone just chill out, I think many full members are twats, and they just need someone to pick on. This Callum sounds like a nice guy, not like a dick or owt.



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If you proof read what you've written, then you can see what an utterly appauling grasp of english you have. You noticed the spelling mistake in the topic title, so there's no reason why you shouldn't notice the spelling mistakes in your post. It's just lazy an I'm not going to read a half arse attempt of an opinion an neither will anyone else. So you can either sort it out, or stop whining about how we victimise you.


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hmmm im going to say first: in before the close

NMC has recently gone downhill, but its ok but thats what NMC is for. Infact its better for more mature posters, as their postswill stand out above the others. I tend to usually come into NMC if I've either posted in every other possible topic, or a thread catches my eye, begging for a flaming, usually involving titanium holes or such forth.

a forum is what you make it to be honest. If you want to talk crap, go ahead, but if you want this place to be useful, start being useful to others :)

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If people ask sensible questions (with reasonably correct grammar and spelling) then we'll give sensible answers. But when they can't be bothered, thats when the ripping begins.

We've all been through it...just think of it as TF initiation. :shifty:

Give us an example of a sensible question...

If you refer to non-sensible topics as being "what brake pads?", "mod or stock?", then I personally think you are wrong. For someone starting out trials, they may not know whether a mod or stock is best for them, and being flamed for asking is more likely to dissuade them from taking up trials all together. It's a sad day for any community when its members are so inwardly looking that they make it hard for others to join in.

As an example, I asked about what brake pads were best for my RX7 on the mazdarotaryclub forum, a question which has been asked many times before. I did search but the topics I found didn't quite answer my question. Now while this type of question gets asked a lot, I didn't get a raft of posts flaming me for my inexperience, instead I got some very helpful posts from the other members, including some links to topics that had the relevant information (that I didn't come across in my search).

This is how a community should be; a group of people with a common interest helping each other out, not a place where you get jumped on for asking a perfectly good question.

PS. I haven't highlighted your mistakes, because I can understand what you typed. A stance I feel more people should be taking.

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I know what you mean, most of the new members are ok, they just don't use capitals and full stops. Yet people have a go at them.

I mean, if someone wrote like this: "OmgZ i Cnt Speel 2 sv mi lyfe lolsz" Then you should tell them to spell properly.

NMC has turned/ always was a slating ground for members to insult and downgrade pre-member.

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What has happened?

When I was first on the forum, And in NMC, full members were nice and helpfull to new-members, But now its just a place where full members come to rip people.

A new member says his opinion or a spelling mistake and all the get is "Give up!"

Your opinions?


Edit: Spelling mistake in title.

This is where I get bullied.

always been the way...

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Quite a lot full members (obviousley not all) think that nmc is full of illiterate people who know nothing about about trial biking, but infact there are people in nmc that can spell and can use grammer without needing a spell checker to do it for them. To be honest it pisses me off when full members say things like "oh nmc is full of noobs". Every current full member has been a non-member at some point, were you "noobs" before you were validated? I guessing the majority wern't and it's probably still the same, most non-members abide by the rules and can spell and can use punctuation correctly.

That's my rant over.

Edited by Headley
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Quite a lot full members (obviousley not all) think that nmc is full of illiterate people who know nothing about about trial biking, but infact there are people in nmc that can spell and can use grammer without needing a spell checker to do it for them. To be honest it pisses me off when full members say things like "oh nmc is full of noobs". Every current full member has been a non-member at some point, were you "noobs" before you were validated? I guessing the majority wern't and it's probably still the same, most non-members abide by the rules and can spell and can use punctuation correctly.

That's my rant over.

Well techinically, almost all pre-members can't spell or use punctuation correctly, or the posts in NMC would be legible. It's the problem with the system, the people who can't spell all that well just stay in NMC, and the number of people who can't type properly grows each year.

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And in NMC, full members were nice and helpfull to new-members, But now its just a place where full members come to rip people.

Feel free to report any posts you think are just piss taking. Yes, text speak is very annoying and against the rules but it actually doesn't happen very often. When it does it'll just get closed or whatever. I tell you what's just as annoying - People coming into NMC just to gloat about how they've been validated or to whinge about every little spelling mistake.

Like I say, report these clowns and I'll whoop their ass. Everyone started once upon a time so try and remember what it was like before you knew all the forum rules off by heart and didn't even know brakes needed bleeding etc.

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Get ready for some trademark "Mike Bluntness".

Most "full" members are fairly intelligent and mature, so to be faced with immature, thick and often illegible threads angers us. If you can't be bothered to read over your thread to make sure it's even half correct then I'm sorry, you'll either get no response or a nasty one.

It takes 5 seconds to read each paragraph as you type it, so don't start making excuses. Playing the Dyslexia card is annoying too, you're just too damn lazy to check your spellings.

We may come across as unhelpful and thinking we're better than you - that's because you make rubbish posts that don't deserve a nice answer.

If you write "what byk is beta, a onza or a echo" do you really expect a detailed answer with awesome explanation? I'd be inclined to ban you if I was a mod, but hey I'm the forums answer to Hitler. :P

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