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Too Old Or Just Times Have Changed


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I've been away from the whole trials/street riding scene now for about 5 years on and off. Having just recently bought a adamant a1 i've been going out a few nights aweek and i'm getting to be of a good standard again but one thing that is very apparent is that i feel a bit silly when people are watching and also i.m kinda sick of young youths thinking that cos i'm on my own they can attempt to take my bike off me.

Dont get me wrong, i dont think that any gang will manage to do anything against me but when i used to ride years ago it were a much nicer atmosphere on the streets. And now cos i'm alittle older i dont like people watching what i'm doing.

Any of the older guys gone through this?

Shall i just carry on regardless or maybe realise that at 23 i should sell the bike and be boring.

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I've been away from the whole trials/street riding scene now for about 5 years on and off. Having just recently bought a adamant a1 i've been going out a few nights aweek and i'm getting to be of a good standard again but one thing that is very apparent is that i feel a bit silly when people are watching and also i.m kinda sick of young youths thinking that cos i'm on my own they can attempt to take my bike off me.

Dont get me wrong, i dont think that any gang will manage to do anything against me but when i used to ride years ago it were a much nicer atmosphere on the streets. And now cos i'm alittle older i dont like people watching what i'm doing.

Any of the older guys gone through this?

Shall i just carry on regardless or maybe realise that at 23 i should sell the bike and be boring.

Your life is hardly over, just get on with it.

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I've been away from the whole trials/street riding scene now for about 5 years on and off. Having just recently bought a adamant a1 i've been going out a few nights aweek and i'm getting to be of a good standard again but one thing that is very apparent is that i feel a bit silly when people are watching and also i.m kinda sick of young youths thinking that cos i'm on my own they can attempt to take my bike off me.

Dont get me wrong, i dont think that any gang will manage to do anything against me but when i used to ride years ago it were a much nicer atmosphere on the streets. And now cos i'm alittle older i dont like people watching what i'm doing.

Any of the older guys gone through this?

Shall i just carry on regardless or maybe realise that at 23 i should sell the bike and be boring.

Nah, don't do that. I've ridden on and off for years. I'm 27 next month and have been riding regularly again for about a year and a half. Probably enjoying it more now than I ever have in the past. I do find that when I'm riding street I am more aware of people around me than I used to be when I was younger, I tend to sometimes wait until thay have moved on before I start bashing any walls if you know what I mean! If you enjoy it, it doesn't matter how old you are, make the most of it, sometime we really will be too old to ride, I don't want to look back and wish I'd ridden more!

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Oh dear.... I'm 28 today and still riding as much as possible. If it's something you love doing why on earth should you want to stop just because of other peoples opinions???

I say fook em and keep riding mate (Y)

As for the gangs who wanna take your bike.... your old enough to give em a slap now :P

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Ive just come back to riding from a 2 year break, im 24 this year and really starting to go out riding on some of the bigger rides which i havent done for nearly 5 years. Only thing thats really changed is the level of riding :o my god some of these peeps are non human lol. Just stick with it and enjoy riding :)

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Happy b-day mate. Yeh you shouldnt give up on trials because a "lil massive" want to take your bike just slap them and as for age you still young and im trying to get my dad into some form of extreme biking e.g trial or dirt jumping. Any way keep riding man and dont give a flying fook what people think.

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Ive been riding pretty regularly again for the last couple of months and about the most offensive thing was being called jesus - something to do with the beard and curly hair I think :$

Im 29 now and dont really care what kids think about me riding in my advancing years :D

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Shall i just carry on regardless or maybe realise that at 23 i should sell the bike and be boring.

If trials is something you really love of course you should carry on regardless. At the end of the day trials is awesome to watch even for some joe bloggs off the street, so you're bound to get people watching you now and again.

I'm 26 and have been riding dirt jump and DH for the last 5 years (due to location etc) and took up trials again in november last year. I've got into loads of fights with pikies trying to rob my bike but thats just cos i live in a sketchy area. This shit happens whether you're riding your bike or on your mobile. You just gotta decide if you're gonna man up and take the risk, or pussy out and give up all the things you love cos some muppets think its fun to nick what not theirs.

Perhaps we should start an anti-chav/anti-pikie militia. Become trials mercenaries....whos with me?

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I hate people watching, and when your in the middle of something shouting "your wheels turning!"

Supposed we all have to get use to these people.

Yep. But what i hate the most is riding round and having idiots go "wheres your seat gone?" or "why haven't you got a seat, isn't it annoying?".

Actually, having no seat isn't as annoying as idiots like yourselves asking me where its gone!!! :angry:

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Haha when ever people say weres my seat gone i say your mum ate it lol, it always gets to them. I love it when people watch me ride (im not good) but they think im amazing lol always puts a smile on my face and il join the anti "rude boy" crew lol

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thanks for reply's guys. Didnt realise that there were any people that are my age still doing it. Its funny now though cos now i'm older i assess things for longer and dont seem to fall off as much. When i were younger i'd go in all guns blazing.

Yeh i hate the comments about where's ur seat gone. Does my head in.

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If trials is something you really love of course you should carry on regardless. At the end of the day trials is awesome to watch even for some joe bloggs off the street, so you're bound to get people watching you now and again.

I'm 26 and have been riding dirt jump and DH for the last 5 years (due to location etc) and took up trials again in november last year. I've got into loads of fights with pikies trying to rob my bike but thats just cos i live in a sketchy area. This shit happens whether you're riding your bike or on your mobile. You just gotta decide if you're gonna man up and take the risk, or pussy out and give up all the things you love cos some muppets think its fun to nick what not theirs.

Perhaps we should start an anti-chav/anti-pikie militia. Become trials mercenaries....whos with me?

gussett bikes have anti chav militia t-shirts, and chav's take great offence by them ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :wizard:

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