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Triton Deema - Updated


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Its built and has been ridden, its light, its flicky, its so damn easy to ride :D

My only niggles are that the rear brake is too stiff with the 4 bolt control booster on and theres bugger all bite on the rear brake, going to test it with only 2 bolts through the booster to see how it goes. The chain tensioner needs some slight mods, mainly a shoe for the chain to run on, the plain spoke on its own has skipped off the chain a couple of times.




Complete spec is: -

Triton deema frame

BT f6 fork

FSA orbit xtreme headset with hope head doctor

Atoms oversized stem

Monty 221pr bars (extended by 100mm to 780 wide)

ODI roughneck grips worn to paper thickness

Wellgo MgTi pedals

165 Middleburn RS7s with heatsink cloud9 (18t) on a UN52 BB with a sram PC1 chain

Home made chain tensioner

Chris king disc go tech rear hub with 16t king cog laced into a tryall rim

Highroller 2.5 in slow reezay dual ply with dh tube

Hope xc font hub laced into a mavic xc717 rim

Larsen TT 2.35 in super tacky single ply with standard tube

HS33 slaves with RB ergo 1f lever, heatsink cnc reds, echo control booster and a water bleed

Hope mono trial 203 disk with a +20 adaptor

Complete weight 10.6kg or there abouts :)

Alot of weight (about 300-400g I reckon) could be saved on the rear tyre and BB if I went down to a single ply and a hollow axle.

Geo with BT f6 fork is: -

WB 1080

BB +30

CS 385

Reach 670

Frame weight 1.585kg/3.487lb

Homemade chain tensioner - 24g including all fixings :D



Shes now double disk and wearing the hope titanium BB :wub:

Total weight of the bike is 10498g :) :) :)

When the rear tyre dies I will put a schwalbe big betty on there and the weight should drop down to about 10.2kg :D

All of this without cutting/drilling holes, fancy lightweight bolts or much else specifically lightweight (well apart from the frame, BB and pedals spindles which are titanium >_< )

Excuse the crap phone photos :(



Edited by forteh
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  chimpanzyyyy said:

looks beast

Tis in the post ;)

  walker said:
take it ur still waiting to get a rear disk?

Anyway, looks pimp and i bet it rides even better! Will it work without the booster as it looks a bit overkill and is too shiny!


Im planning on rigging up my front caliper onto the back with the rear hose and lever from my santacruz, will give me some indication of how its going to work as DD. I can only run a 180 rotor max on the back, any bigger and it just catches the frame, will try it and see. Still in 2 minds between a mono trial and a BB7 for the rear, I love the feel, power and bite of the front hope - is the BB7 the same feel at the lever or is it spongier?

Ive not tested it without the booster yet, will have an experiment with it tomorrow; agree with you though it looks much better without it (also means I would be able to purge the only deng thing on the bike :D )

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The only difference from the geo posted on the triton website is the BB rise is +30 instead of +20, thats all dependant on forks though - I was after a +30 BB anyways so its all good :D

The length isnt too bad at all, Im only short and I dont feel stretched out on it. Its 15mm shorter wb than the hifi and 15mm longer reach and feels just right.

Im really leaning towards a 180 mono trial on the rear, whilst the BB7 might be more powerful I like to feel when the back brake has bitten, also the hope would seem to give more modulation :)

Edited by forteh
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  lil Jsy Chris said:
Really nice, only ever seen a 20" Trition but that is very nice (Y)

:D that was mine. Been floating round for a while.

The Deema looks really good dude. You'll definitely enjoy riding it, its far mroe responsive than alu frames. Gives you that extra bit of spring, plus their geos are spot on.

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  NBRCycles said:
The Deema looks really good dude. You'll definitely enjoy riding it, its far mroe responsive than alu frames. Gives you that extra bit of spring, plus their geos are spot on.

The feel of a steel frame, less weight and more strength than an aluminium frame = win! :D

Its been built up for 2 days now and Ive only had the chance to ride it for 2 hours, not going to be able to ride now till monday night as Im moving my gf from london to lichfield tomorrow and off to bournemouth for a stag do on friday after work :(

Gives my pulled bicep/forearm/elbow/tendons time to recover alittle I suppose :)

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  • 1 month later...
  ben_travis said:
argh.....rear disc on stock.....disgusting.

bike looks alreet though

Pfft, I like the quiet bike for now :)

Now its bedded in its stopped slipping and isnt too bad - that said I dont really ride much big like yourself so its more than likely enough. Still got the maggie and RB lever on standby ;)

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  Mark King said:
Get a Hope!!

Got one on the front, main problem is I cant get more than a 185 disk on the rear without reducing the thickness of the disk adaptor on the hub which in turn may bugger up the caliper alignment.

The BB7 holds fine, the bite isnt as good as my 203 mono trial on the front but hey; I think Im also alittle too rusty and out of practise to be dealing with the spoke flex on top of all the other variables when on the back wheel - at least with the magura it locks and doesnt flex :)

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