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The Most Annoying Tv Advert

Oli Smith

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Whats the most annoying TV Advert, summat that proppa gets on yer tits.

Mines That " Hi I'm Barry Scott, this is Clilit Bang"

Just seen it now god I could kill im... . . . .

So what you think the worst advert is LLOOOOL, gunner be funny

Oli x

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"I was walking through the lobby and there was no wet floor sign, i fell and cracked my knee and all my make-up fell out of my handbag"


Barry Scott remix for the win though.

Edited by Sonny Clarke
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"I was walking through the lobby and there was no wet floor sign, i fell and cracked my knee and all my make-up fell out of my handbag"


Barry Scott remix for the win though.

That f**king moonpig one... who send cards for any old ocasion?... Mute the tele everytime that comes on, I f**king hate it.

f**king Moon Pig


both of them are annoyingg. that moonpig though LLOOL

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"I was walking through the lobby and there was no wet floor sign, i fell and cracked my knee and all my make-up fell out of my handbag".

DENIED. That advert is hilarious the noise just cracks me up

Orbit complete advert where the people are sort of having a fit trying to fight invisible things is really annoying though I reckon.

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what about brand power?


and why do they insist on imposing on us their reccommendations of what to buy?

I hate the moonpig advert. I also lol at the adverts for 'ring this number and chat to girls in your area'.

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Ha ha, was gonna post this without reading the thread at all. This advert is a blatant win. Its so f***ing annoying on more than one level, which is what gives it the most annoying advert status.

Firstly, its a catchy, happy, lively tune thats so annoying it makes killing 100 fluffy kittens and bunnies seem like it'd be worth it so long as it meant you didn't have to watch all of the tune.

Secondly, and this is a killer. Its so annoying that you get annoyed with yourself for being annoyed about something that clearly shouldn't be annoyng you because of how happy it is. The advert actually causes you to hate yourself, which is f**king awful.

Thirdly, its all lip sync'd. Ordinarily this isn't much on its own (see here). It isn't pleasurable but its something your average joe is able to withstand. But on top of the other two points and the fact that the song is something completely out of sync with all the frosties advertising to date its the final icing on the cake for most annoying advert ever.

I think i'd rather scratch out my own eyes and let fire ants chew through my eardrums than witness the f**king frosties song again. Give me turkish torture chambers any day. Someone sucessfully picked all the worst aspects of the "

advert and improved on them with a faster paced song, more repetetive with more smiles and brighter colours than are used in the garishly pink and f**king self righteous women only shielas wheels advert.

For all those that are annoyed by the frosties tune, you may seek pleasure in the fact you are most definately not alone. And that someone has quite

how 90% of everyone who's seen it felt afterwards. The other 10% comitted suicide straight away.
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What about beauty product adverts where you can blatantly tell the voice you're hearing isn't the voice of the person you're watching?

The gillete one one where they go, 'did you feel that?' is one that springs to mind.

Reeally obvious ones are ones you can tell were recorded in french, so its overdubbed.

What about the l'oreal advert where there's the woman with the dodgy teeth who walks into some dude and starts having a fit and waving her hair all over the place?

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