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I'm Leaving Ipods...


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i have zen creative stone plus, 2gb. its terrible battery life is the only bad thing i can think of. probs cus im use to a 55hr life from sony.

i have bose headphones, so generally all songs are decent quality, most of them are really good to listen to. no matter what bitrate of song etc.

i wouldnt have another one though, theres just something that says mundane or fashionable about them, and to me it should have better features than 'cool looking'

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lmao since when was downloading music making it bad quality? :S

i had an ipod and i fell on it and it died lol, thinking about getting another though :S.


If you download either high-end MP3's or WAVS -it won't be bad quality. BUT!... the majority of people these days download normal quality MP3's. To your ear they sound fine, until you compare them to a WAV.

Not knocking MP3's though, handy little things.

Get another iPod, y'know you want to!

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