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20" Try-all Slick Tyres


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What are the actual benefits of them? I know it won't really matter on a front tyre as it's off the floor most of the time, but surely for when it is on the floor you want the knobbles to hold onto the bumps on the rock/wall/small child that you're trying to ride over?

And would they be making rears? Or is that just irresponsible :P

Doesn't seem to make much sense to me, unless you ran uber low pressures so it kinda wraps around things.



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i would have thought it would offer better grip because bmx'ers use slick tyress and they grip well ? Imagine there going to be wank in the wet and on mossy rocks and stuff so is it a street tyre in effect?

Edited by Z o o !!
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50a on the sides and 62a on the middle Adam? Might have to try one I suppose...

Not sure, feels pretty soft, maybe around 45 all the way round.

It is actually designed for street and park use, but Stan thought he'd try one...

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Are they going to be called 'Tryall Sliky' tyres? :D

sorry to go off topic, but I sat here watching your avatar for 2 minutes waiting for him to splooge... do I have to wait longer? or does he not do anything?

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