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Ymsa Bracken This Sunday Info

the organiser

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ok so this is the problem

as of today i only have 7 entries to the trial this is not possable to run the trial

if you are coming can you add your names to this list below so i know if i am going to set out as i have to do this on friday pm after work so a long day for me and i am in London all day Saturday and not back till after midnight so a long day on Sunday, so if you are coming and we need about 25 riders min to run, then list below

i will look at this around 2 pm tomorrow and then make a decision from there on ok thanks

Dave B

Danny Butler

Ben Slinger

Rob Poyser

Ryan Trickett

Antoni Bennett

Jon Congrave

Alex Roland

Edited by the organiser
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Danny Butler

Ben Slinger

Rob Poyser

Ryan Trickett

Antoni Bennett

Jon Congrave

Alex Roland

Courtney Etienne

Wes Etienne

we'll be entering on the day dave, havent had chance to send entries

Cheers Court

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Danny Butler

Ben Slinger

Rob Poyser

Ryan Trickett

Antoni Bennett

Jon Congrave

Alex Roland

Courtney Etienne

Wes Etienne

Tom Astbury

I send me entry off today hopefully you will get it sat or tomorrow.

Sorry but I had problems printing it off really hope trials goes ahead.

YMSA Kick Ass! but no one seem to go :(

Tom A

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Danny Butler

Ben Slinger

Rob Poyser

Ryan Trickett

Antoni Bennett

Jon Congrave

Alex Roland

Courtney Etienne

Wes Etienne

Tom Astbury

Stefan Perks

Samuel Turner (Muel)

I haven't sent my form off! I'll get it filled in with a cheque and bring it on the day if thats OK Dave? Ryan said I can go with him if my Mum can't take me so I'll definately be there. I now won't have internet access until Tuesday because I don't have it at home, so I'll ring Ryan tommorrow night to check if it's ok and if the trial is on.

Edited by Muel
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Sorry to say guys but its a no go, i am not going to run a trial with only 12 riders as it has a cut off of around 20 riders to break even,

i have been putting my own money into the club for a time and now its time to stop so for the near future its the end.

Thanks to all who have helped and supported the event for the last 3 years and thanks also to them who helped kick us in the balls also...

yours for now

Dave B

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  the organiser said:
Sorry to say guys but its a no go, i am not going to run a trial with only 12 riders as it has a cut off of around 20 riders to break even,

i have been putting my own money into the club for a time and now its time to stop so for the near future its the end.

Thanks to all who have helped and supported the event for the last 3 years and thanks also to them who helped kick us in the balls also...

yours for now

Dave B

So that that mean no more YMSA?

I'm sure if you didn't run the trial on the same weekend of the 2 day Tyke Trial event you would get more riders.

Edited by matt rushton
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i am sure that if people wanted to ride good comps they would come to ymsa we have put a few comps on this year now and people say they are great but dnt seem to turn up so what is the point my oldman has put enough effort into the club and i think he is making the right decision, he can take more time to concentrate on better things wher he wil be appreciated for the hard work. i personally think that trials is on a down spiral i this country but thats just me...

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  danny B said:
i am sure that if people wanted to ride good comps they would come to ymsa we have put a few comps on this year now and people say they are great but dnt seem to turn up so what is the point my oldman has put enough effort into the club and i think he is making the right decision, he can take more time to concentrate on better things wher he wil be appreciated for the hard work. i personally think that trials is on a down spiral i this country but thats just me...

So does that mean that Tyke Trials arnt good trials? I'm sure if YMSA and Tyke Trial talked and comprimised they could run trials on alternate dates. That way there are no clashes and people don't have to choose.

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i have to agree with Mr Rushton here, im not saying YMSA trials aren't good, but ive only ever ridden one (ive heard nothing but excellent reports), I've just always had the impression that the YMSA were very critical of the Tyke Trial club, its in no ones interests to go in competition like this, its not as if Tyke trial has won through popularity because everyone has lost out. I have a lot of respect for anyone that runs a biketrial club because i know how much work goes in and its obviously very stressful, it just seems that clubs cant work with each other, which doesn't make any sense.

It shouldn't be a popularity contest as to which competiton people go to!


Edited by walker
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TykeTrial is very sorry to hear this Dave, by all accounts your events are excellent.

It is regrettable that the events ended up on the same day, the date of the TykeTrial 2-day event was set at the AGM in January after reviewing all club's dates that had been announced at that time. Unfortunately, YMSA had their event booked for the 29th June and only recently changed it to the 15th.

We must support Dave in his plea for pre-entries. There are too many people who expect to just turn up on the day to enter. An event cannot be run like this; plans have to be made for facilities (toilets / food / first aid etc), and money laid out.

The organisers need to know that they can cover their costs and not, as Dave has done, pay it out of their own pocket. People wanted a "practice/training day", TykeTrial organised one at Addingham, and lost around £230 through people not turning up.

Riders should have the courtesy of sending in their entry forms before the closing date so that the organisers know what they are doing.


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Hopefully it wont be the end of the club, for everyones sake. Wouldnt it be great to have a sport as big as motorbike trials with as many clubs dotted around the country.

Also, people are relying too much on one person to do the majority of the event organising, its simply too much for one person to do!

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  TykeTrial said:
TykeTrial is very sorry to hear this Dave, by all accounts your events are excellent.

It is regrettable that the events ended up on the same day, the date of the TykeTrial 2-day event was set at the AGM in January after reviewing all club's dates that had been announced at that time. Unfortunately, YMSA had their event booked for the 29th June and only recently changed it to the 15th.

We must support Dave in his plea for pre-entries. There are too many people who expect to just turn up on the day to enter. An event cannot be run like this; plans have to be made for facilities (toilets / food / first aid etc), and money laid out.

The organisers need to know that they can cover their costs and not, as Dave has done, pay it out of their own pocket. People wanted a "practice/training day", TykeTrial organised one at Addingham, and lost around £230 through people not turning up.

Riders should have the courtesy of sending in their entry forms before the closing date so that the organisers know what they are doing.


Yeah more people should pre-enter I always do if possible. I send me form off the Dave a little late but had problems printing it off. Not that it matters now, It really does suck that there is not enough rider to keep the YMSA trails going because they are really good and UCI (Y) Is there any chance I will be able to enter on the day at Tyke on Sunday please I really wont to ride me new bike somewhere good on Sunday or is anyone going to be riding Matlock on Sunday???


Tom A

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i thik that me and ben wil be doing some last minute riding roundthe matlock area this weekend still so yoou are welcome to come with and for the whole tyke trials not being good they were not my words don't sh1t stir lol

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  danny B said:
i thik that me and ben wil be doing some last minute riding roundthe matlock area this weekend still so yoou are welcome to come with and for the whole tyke trials not being good they were not my words don't sh1t stir lol

Well I said the YMSA and Tyke Trial should not be on the same weekend, and you said if people wanted to ride a good comp, they would ride YMSA.

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Is this the end of YMSA Club Trials all together Dave? Please say it isn't! although I will understand your reasons fully if it is. :(

Personally I think the YMSA trials are the best club trials in UK, the atmosphere is the best of any trial around and the level is good in every category. The sections are always good and marked out well and they are well organised, plus they are UCI format which is the future of trials. I am not having a dig at Tyketrial or any other club before anyone starts, I just think it will be a BIG shame to lose this series.

If the YMSA continues, please people at least give them a go, I doubt you will be dissapointed!


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  the organiser said:
ok so this is the problem

as of today i only have 7 entries to the trial this is not possable to run the trial

if you are coming can you add your names to this list below so i know if i am going to set out as i have to do this on friday pm after work so a long day for me and i am in London all day Saturday and not back till after midnight so a long day on Sunday, so if you are coming and we need about 25 riders min to run, then list below

i will look at this around 2 pm tomorrow and then make a decision from there on ok thanks

Dave B

Danny Butler

Ben Slinger

Rob Poyser

Ryan Trickett

Antoni Bennett

Jon Congrave

Alex Roland

I haven't entered....?

I was really looking forward to it when it was originally gonna be on 29th, but i can't make this one do to revision that needs to be done.

I really hope these trials continue, would love to do most, if not every one, from now on as i haven't got to worry about exams after next week. As i paid for my membership at the first comp at Dudwood this means that i'll be entering all the remaining ones from now on B)

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Sorry to here all of this Dave.

We have done a couple of YMSA trials over the years and yes they are very good, chilled out and well run and we have always been made to feel very welcome indeedy.

If I had one tiny criticism, and it is only a thought, i found them to be a little bit "elitist" (sp?).

They are very hard for the little ones to ride because of the UCI thing. Yes I agree it is no doubt the way it is all going and i do prefer to watch it as it is much cleaner and smoother, however it is very hard to accommodate the little kids that we need to back fill when the older ones move on.

Anyhow they are my thoughts for all they are worth.

Again Dave Dan Ash and the rest of the Butler clan, I hope it is only a blip and it all works out because, as has been said before on here people need choices and we do need a club to run UCI events in this country.

John and Robbie P

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