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Out With The New,

that NBR dude

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Well I made an agreement a few months back, that I would keep the Coustellier St Blaize for 1 year, so in true Andy fashion, heres my new frame...haha

The Coust' was far too long for me, 1100, which is crazy considering the longest bike I've ever owned is 1065. It really didnt suit my riding and I didnt feel comfortable on it.

So got offered this little beauty. Its steel, its short, is heavy, and god damn I love it!! Takes me back to a simpler time...

Pashley 26gHz

Toxin Forks (will be changed soon)

Thompson Stem

Easton EA50 2.5" risers

Hope XCs

D521 and an Echo (too wide so will be changing it)

Bikehut 185 disk (amazing, just ignore the bikehut bit)

Magura HS33

Echo cranks with trialtech bash

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What gear are you running at the back? Might be worth dropping a tooth so you can remove a link from the chain... that's what I did on the 24"- felt weird to start with but soon got used to it.

Reckon it might need a spray though Andy... The blood red's cool but they were all that colour so I reckon go for something a little different. Catch you later fella.

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What gear are you running at the back? Might be worth dropping a tooth so you can remove a link from the chain... that's what I did on the 24"- felt weird to start with but soon got used to it.

Reckon it might need a spray though Andy... The blood red's cool but they were all that colour so I reckon go for something a little different. Catch you later fella.

Yea I was tempted to spray it the original Pashley plue, but it may need something a little more original. I havent made my mind up about what colour its going to be yet, but its got to be someting Ive not done before... hmm

Have you got any spare cogs at home Dave? Could do with experimenting around, as for streety stuff, I think whats on there will be a touch too light. Just have to have a play around until I get it all set up properly.

You coming to West Bay tonight Dave?? You were impolite and didnt reply to me yesterday :( *joking*

Edited by NBRCycles
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Have you got any spare cogs at home Dave? Could do with experimenting around, as for streety stuff, I think whats on there will be a touch too light. Just have to have a play around until I get it all set up properly.

You coming to West Bay tonight Dave?? You were impolite and didnt reply to me yesterday :( *joking*

What are you running at the moment? I have some random cassette cogs kicking about which may be of use but they're all standard thin ones rather than wide based trialsy ones...

Don't think I'm gonna be able to come tonight- GF's asked me to come down to Corfe Castle camping to help set up for a Duke of Edinburgh expeditiony thing. Will see what I can do.

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One of the nicest bikes i have ever seen! I love pashley's soooo much! Low bb, heavy, steel, is all the way forward! Forget this deng bullsh*t!

Is that a fire xc front tyre aswell? Pure old school!

Absolutely love it!


Ps. you know where its at with the bikehut front brake aswell! Mine is on my 24 now :badger:

Get some fattys on there!!

Edited by _Owen.
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Im going for a classic build, but I havnet managed to find any fattys yet :( Might have to settle with some ashtons or Urbans (with some fatty stickers on them hehe)

I used to run a Fire XC back in the day when I first started riding trials, and they were amazing, never had any troubles with them, and they are light as hell.

The only thing I think, from a quick ride this morning, is the Thompson Elite stem might be a bit too short, but I will find out tonight. Aside from that, its perfect. Ive never been into the TGS lark, so this bike is far more me :)

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