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Im Getting In To Comps, Bit Of Advise Really.


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im going to start entering a few comps this year maybe but defo do them all next year i was just wondering what kind of level riding is intermediate, has any one got any pics so i can compare it to size and technicallity to stuff i have back home so i can start pratcising. also any ideas to improve comp riding at all? e.g gym etc i duno.

cheers for your time, ozzy.

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in ebtc theres nothing above about 5 blue pallets i guess. but its more balance on natural obstacles and more techy lines than going high. youll soon learn mate

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Personally I have NO idea atall, Im in a similar boat to you, Im quite up for abit of comping.

Id say maybe go spectate at a few comps to get an idea as to what you should be entering.

Edited by Tom_
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My advise is to just turn up and have a go, you will not be mocked by people and you will have a real good time as well.

It doesn't matter how good/bad you think you are there will always be somebody at your level to compete against and when you beat em you will feel as though you have won a world round belive me it is buzz.


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My advise is to just turn up and have a go, you will not be mocked by people and you will have a real good time as well.

It doesn't matter how good/bad you think you are there will always be somebody at your level to compete against and when you beat em you will feel as though you have won a world round belive me it is buzz.


bullshit haha, thats what makes comps fun.

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in ebtc theres nothing above about 5 blue pallets i guess. but its more balance on natural obstacles and more techy lines than going high. youll soon learn mate

That sounds like it might be my level - I love difficult lines, but don't like dangerous ones (Dangerous being where one slip means a long fall) :P...

I'd have to travel a long way (From west of Ireland) to find competitions though...

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This is my experience with Tyketrial

Yeh enter a comp and see what you think. If your not with any friends it can be difficult at your 1st one, and you may feel totally out of place but you must bear with it your 1st time going. Competiton is what its all about in opinion, after you have bin you go away and practice for a month and show everyone just how good you really are next time. well thats how i see it lol

One thing i found out when i went to my first comp about 1 half years ago is that everyone has got all the gear (i mean everone!). At my first trial which was at a very wet Cowling Pinnacle i turned up on an Orange Da Bomb, and i thought... oh shit. I had a horrible spaceship helmet and a shed for a bike. At that moment i decided to start persuading my dad to get back in van and go home but he said "i dent pay all that money for note" and he forced me to do it with my brother who was also on an orange Da Bomb but much younger so he had not as much dignity to lose! I may of come last in that trial but everyone was so supportive and knowone laughed at my silly hat! :Just a Nice little story lol ^_^


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i live in tenby which is in wales and the nearset comp i think is still a good 4 hour drive, so i would kinda like to be prepared i dont mind a bit of banter and comp i just dont wana turn up and not be able to ride the course ive picked if you get me. so has any one got any pics?

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Well i just entered the comp at fort william the other weekend and i did'nt know what i was up against at all i was like ok what do i do but when i got there it all became clear to me although i did'nt think i was going to manage to do some of the secions. I really enjoyed myself because however rubbish you are nobody mocks you for it. I know that the ne i done it did'nt even feel like a comp it just felt like a massive ride it was great really enjoyed it.

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you have to jst turn up really.

Being your age, Im pretty sure you wont be able to ente the green + white routes, so you'll end up in blue. Its not possible to say that a certain route is alright for you, because every round of a comp is different, not to mention different comps themselves

turn up, do one, then reflect ;)

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I did one comp earlier in the year (my first ever). I found that I just didn't have the stamina to ride over 20 sections and was failing on things I know I could do because I was too tired.

I'm intending to start again after I've built up more fitness.

Still it was a really great day out - I quit the comp and just went for a ride around with some guys I met there who weren't competing.

My advise would be to go to a comp and have a look, then try to re-create some similar length sections and practice those. If like me you mainly ride street then stamina may be an issue.


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