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Couple From Tonight In Blackburn...


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Evening gents,

Just a few snaps from tonight... Thanks to Martin for the pics of me!

Martin tap


Me sidehop


Same again, different lens, slightly different angle


Stan dropgap sequence


Martin gap to front


Stan tap


And one that's not come out anywhere near as well as I hoped :lol: 2 different pics bodged together... one with flash for the sidehop move and another long exposure for the background. Check the amazing rear wheel cropping around the spokes... haha. Any tips on how to make it look a little better?


Tea time now!


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Don't need to use 2 photos. Long exposure with rear curtain sync flash to freeze stan once up. Tidy up the picture and remove perhaps the flashgun (if in shot) and any blurry bits of stan pre-hop. Should look ok like that (in theory).

almost exactly what i was going to say !!

heres one i (read oli) made earlier ... although this one is pitch black. and i guess not quite what you are after ...


All nice pictures again adam ....

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Cheers guys... probs I had with trying that: Still pretty light (light enough to leave Stan as a huge blur if I exposed ), pretty long exposure time (about 1/40 I think) required to make the background bright enough and no wireless flash (can only use mine as a slave, trigged by the on-board flash)... I will try it again though next time we're out though :)


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Nice pics adam ive not rode blackburn in yonks now need to get back there as its mint, wouldnt mind have a bash at that front wheel gap martin was doing in that pic did you go for it?.

o and you need to get your ass over to barrowford next to burnley to trials park here. You'll enjoy it, stan and ali may find it abit boring quickly as its not geared for international comp riders. But youll like it, and theres a sweet front wheel gap to do as ino how your partial to abit of front wheel gapage.

Edited by basher
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It says you shot that photo at ISO400, so you could always push it to ISO800, then expose with the aperture setting for the flash to look right and use the shutter speed to get the ambient right? If it's at ISO800, you should be able to get the shutter speed right for the ambient without getting too much blur or anything like that. If he's on top of the wall having just landed the sidehop there should be enough time for it to expose it without him doing much movement anyway?

Really liked the Martin gap to front pic, btw...

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Your using the right technique i think doing it with 2 exposures, its just your photoshop needs some practice i think. Sayin that i dont now how you would set about it in photoshop as i aint to hot on it. best think is to ask in the photography thread

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