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My Show On Renegaderadio.co.uk


Do you listen to my show most weeks?  

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Right, as some of you know I have started a new job. This has literally screwed me up physically and mentally. It's the hardest job I've ever had, I walk each way 45 minutes, work from 8-5 and have to get up at 6:30.

Some of you probably do longer / more than that but hey, I can't really hack it yet (Sure I'll adjust).

Anyway, as you know I do a radio show every Wednesday and I'm not sure whether to knock it on the head as I think I'm getting less listeners these days and I'm normally too tired to go til midnight...

I want to know if people still listen and basically if there's any demand for it :)

If enough people listen I'll continue, it just seems pointless if most people don't listen anymore...

Vote away x

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I always tune in Mike, but if your finding it to hard to do both your job and this show, I'd give it a rest for a while. But please do carry on realeasing your awesome mixes.

Yeah I was thinking about just doing a monthly mix like before - I did one in May but haven't released it yet.

Like I say if there's demand I'll still do it - I just feel that there's not many that listen so it's not worth it... Kinda like doing a riding Demo to a crowd of 3 people :)

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I'm a "listen when i can" person, and i really do enjoy them, but then again i enjoy all your mixes :P

If you feel too shattered after work, then at least for the time being, you could have a bit of a break from the show, just until you settle into the job, and feel abit better! Just mix as and when you feel like, and you can enjoy it more, instead of forcing yourself to stay up and mix stuff while all you really want to do is climb into bed.

Whatever happens, we'll all be around for a fair while :P


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Not missed one yet, and will be tuned in again tonight

I pop in and out of the chat room too to say hi, though don't stick around too much as I'm still in the middle of exams so should be revising, using your sets as background beats

good luck ;)

and yea, i listen as much as i can mike, I've missed one so far and will miss this weeks due to not replacing my laptop yet but hopefully i'll catch the next ones if you're still doing them. Understand the fact you're knackered though, but isn't this a great thing to have on your CV? The longer you do it the better it will look...

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Not missed one yet, and will be tuned in again tonight

I pop in and out of the chat room too to say hi, though don't stick around too much as I'm still in the middle of exams so should be revising, using your sets as background beats

Hehe cheers mate, wouldn't bother tuning in tonight if you're after hearing me - I'm not on tonight :P

isn't this a great thing to have on your CV? The longer you do it the better it will look...

Yeah it is, I'm really not sure what to do :(

I listen but i can only catch the last half hour :(

Buy yourself a getaway bike to go to work on, it will be quicker (Y)

Yeah I'm thinking about just getting a crappy bike to ride in on :) - Though riding in a suit is pretty gay.

I always try and get on,

by the way, fancy giving me the link to last weeks one :)

Off topic:How do you stream it, my guess was something like shoutcast etc?


Haven't uploaded last weeks one mate - will do when I get a chance.

I use SimpleCast to stream to Renegade's server then people connect to that - same principle as shoutcast I think :)

When my computer likes it I listen. Listened three times I think. Once I do get it to work listen to the whole show.

But if you think its tiring or effecting your other job maybe fortnightly?

Yeah possibly, or try and get an earlier set maybe :S

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I'd be happy to do some 'guest mixes' ;)

But nah.. I try to listen most Wednesdays

As already been said, I wouldnt want to do it for the sake of it.. If your not enjoying it/too tired then try and get an earlier slot or something

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On in 15 mins ladies :)

Go to www.renegaderadio.co.uk - Click Listen to have it open in iTunes, WMP, Winamp or whatever. Then click Java Chat (Ignore all the warnings, it's totally safe) and get chatting :)

See y'all in there.

*please* keep it clean in there too... someone got banned last week for posting porn. I'm not Hitler, but please try and stick to similar rules of TF, obviously a little more adult content but no porn :)

Thanks chappies.

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