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Derren Brown

Sonny Clarke

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Every time i watch it, it seems more and more fake, like tonight he blind folded this chick and made her randomly throw a dart a board and get queen of hearts or something like that, which she obv did. But then he told her to turn it over and he had previously drawn a circle and it had landed right on the circle.

This MUST be fixed some how as it is just not possible, im not talking about the thing he did above but it every episode he does mind boggling stuff.

What are you views on it, because magic can be fixed but mind reading etc cant unless of course the person is also fixed.

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dunno really, hes a freak anyhow :P makes millions out of confusing people basically :P

id be well gutted if i was one of those 5 people who missed out on the 30grand though, all they had to do was look up..haha suckas!!!

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Yeah the whole dedication i was a bit :o If that is real he must of felt really guilty!!! haha but to be honest his live act which was all mind tricks was brilliant and completely all a trick of the mind, he put the thoughts into their heads without realising, saying numbers randomly they didn't even notice :)

He is abit good at it TBF.....

But if it is fake how is it done :S


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Yeah the whole dedication i was a bit

But if it is fake how is it done :S

Yea... they wouldn't have put it if she would really have died

Get a load of wanna be actors to sign a disclaimer that basically, you tell the newspapers and we will kill you kinda thing

I think its gob shite

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didn't the women say what if i die on the way home?? lolz I think half of it could be true as like i say his live shows are explained and shown how its done however this last one was more like behaviour with the cash but the lottery stuff was nto explained at all but still weird :S

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even still, we sitting here after watching the whole episode. and myself i watched the whole series.

if they get viewers it doesnt matter if its fake or real. aslong as the public never find out, theres alot of money being made.

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Many of his feats may be staged but as far as psychology goes, many have a logical explanation. If you search youtube you'll find some videos explaining his "mind control" tricks. The thing you need to take into account when watching these is that he will perform tricks on people he thinks are prone to suggestions. It they weren't, he wouldn't accomplish much.

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I think that Derren Brown is easily one of the best in the world at the kind of magic/mentalism he performs, his style and effects are so unique.

I can tell you that in the majority of all instances, it is not stooged.

From reading his book "Pure Effect", he does explain that rather than having a self working trick that works everytime he does employ risk, and that is that the effect may not quite go to plan, but when it does, its a damn amazing sight.

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From reading his book "Pure Effect", he does explain that rather than having a self working trick that works everytime he does employ risk, and that is that the effect may not quite go to plan, but when it does, its a damn amazing sight.

Exactly. There was that betting thing he did a few months back. Basically if the odds on a horse winning a race are 6-1 then if six people all put money on different horses, one is likely to win. Then he magnified that over several races, and told people he had a 'system'. One woman won money on six out of six of her races, and assumed that Derren's system was foolproof. Of course all he had done was involve about 3000 people - the probability of one of them winning money on all six races was 1.0 - he'd fixed it. But the one person on the ground who won all the races (and obviously didn't know about the 2999 other people) thought it was amazing, and bet her life savings on the next race, and lost :giggle:

A lot of the stuff he does is likely - it might only work 1 in 10 times or less. But of course you don't see the failed attempts, and when it does work, it looks amazing.

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I would say the odds are a better Tomm.

One example of a technique he is very skilled at is suggestion.

Now obviously Derren is quite experienced with it and can get it right the majority of the time, by influencing spectators thoughts and descisions with the power of words.

One which he explains in great detail in his "Pure Effect" is a psychological card force, in which his actions such as hand movements and words, can make a spectator pick a required card.

So from the spectator's point of view, they feel they have freely though of a card, whilst Derren influenced their choice.

Obviously there is a chance that the spectator does not pick up on this suggestion that Derren is suggesting ( :giggle: ), but Derren as he would have done it lots of times would be able to see if the spectator picked up on it or not, so from an amateur doing the suggestion they may not be able to influence the spectators choice.

Now this is on a small scale, and is probably the starting point for people who wish to learn suggestion techniques, Derren incoporates this into his effects but at a much higher level.

The technique for it all is very clever and often goes unseen as his speech patterns seem to flow as though he wasn't suggesting anything at all.

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As far as i know he has been banned from all las vegas casinos because of his card counting skills. Not the greates example of seeing how cards are counted but i did see the film 21 a few weeks back and if he can count cards then with that alone he has a great talent

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As far as i know he has been banned from all las vegas casinos because of his card counting skills. Not the greates example of seeing how cards are counted but i did see the film 21 a few weeks back and if he can count cards then with that alone he has a great talent

Card counting is so much more complex than that film makes it look.

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