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Monty 221 Kamel


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Thought you might like to see some closeup shots of this rare humped beast...

Weight is 8.60kg with pedals on, pretty good!


Wheelbase: 1010mm

Chainstay Length: 363mm

BB Rise: 80mm

Head Angle: 71.5 degrees

Centre of BB shell to top centre of head tube: 600mm (23.6")









The eagle-eyed will have spotted the pierced downtube to accommodate the BB shell... rather cool!


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Looks suprisingly good, and thats fecking light.

Still not a fan of that hump though to be honest. There going to be any pics of the stock around soon? These are the best looking pics Iv seen so far..

Also whats this about a pierced DT Im to stupid/blind to know.

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There going to be any pics of the stock around soon?

Also whats this about a pierced DT Im to stupid/blind to know.

I'm not sure, maybe if someone sells one!

About the downtube - if you look carefully, it extends behind the back of the BB shell. The downtube has a hole drilled through it to accept the BB shell, then it's welded in place and the seat tube and chainstays join to that. Should create a stiffer and stronger join I reckon.

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Ahhh right yea, that does look pretty stiff..

Someone buy the stock, I want to see one.

A cleans bike rider has one, Something ford his name is might andy. He rides the tykes trial series.

I astounded that this is the first time they used a join like that i thought it would common sense ive never noticed other frames not being made like that. Like you said ads it should create a stronger join with the bigger weld area.

Wouldn't mind haveing a blast on one of these thing ill have to have a bash on one at 2 day tyke event. They look really sweet i think.

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They used to use pierced junctions like that in BMX. They don't any more. :P

IIRC standard did it first with the top tube / seat tube on the sta and S&M did it first with the head tube / down tube on the menstrual cycle :)

God Im feeling old now :(

Its not really possible to do on the BB / down tube with the good old bmx BB shell, these new fangled modern shells you could do though. Its a pretty sensible way of jointing 2 tubes, much stronger than butt welding.

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Ryan crisp has 2.

James Butcher has one.

Dave somthing from ebtc has one.

And another kid at ebtc has one.

So thats at least 5 that ive seen.

they look fit, but if they made more colours, like the bright yellow bionics, they'd look alot better. And they expensive

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