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The Stig

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Right i am still a newbie in the trials world and i have so many ups and downs and most of the downs being my bike and the amount of money spent on repairs/ new parts. I have improved and i love the sport but due to finincial issues i think i might have to sell up as it costs too much and as i am now driving it has higher priority ATM. The money side i understand and it is more fustrating than anything. The next thing is the most important, about 8 weeks ago i did a 7ft? ish drop and i was still average at drops then and my technique was poor and f**ked it over, i recently attempted a 9ft drop and slipped off and now my ankle hurts even if i land on it a little hard........ I will have to consult a doctor as it only hurts when pressure is placed in a certain area.

Anyway i am unsure on whether to quit or not?

i have a lack of time and money does not go very far and i am in pain most of the time when riding??

What should i do :(


f**k this forum!!!

Edited by Boss
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Mate. Just because someone said something you don't agree with, doesn't mean you should throw your toys out of the pram!

Everyone has money issues, but somehow, we find a way through it.

edit: And I know what a priority learning to drive is, and how expencive it is too. Especially the way that insurance companies now pound learner/new drivers.

Have you thought about going on your parents insurance?

And deffo go and see your GP man, might just be strained though.

Edited by Hendrix
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Got to add - don't quit! You'll regret it. If you see your mates doing it etc. I know you've got a guy at Halfords doing it now on a Python (I think).

Go on, keep it going. I've seen you improve loads, and it'd be a shame to see it slip.

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