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20" Trials Bike Wanted


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I am looking for a 20" trials bike.

I am not botherd what type of make the 20" trials bike is as long as it is in good condition and not over £120.

i would like the trials bike to be NEAR Portsmouth because i live in a town 5 miles away called Fareham

If you have a bike you want to sell or know anyone who wants to sell a bike with the up above discription please email me or add me on msn


many thanks


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When you get a topic closed,

Its either because of the following reasons,

  • Stupid argument errupted
  • stupid topic
  • or yours:
  • not bovering to read the rules

So take notice of previous topics that you've made, i.e your other one, then take into consideration why it got closed and then try and make some decent posts where you can actually get validated so that you can the actually post in the wanted section.

And to finish,

Fat chance of getting a decent Mod for less that £120


Edited by Daborn Meister
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