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A New Idea?

Ollie Y

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The other day, as you do just thinking about what i wanted to do in the future and some how i came up with an idea of travelling trials spares! I dont know if anyone has thought of this one before, but say there is a massive ride going on somewhere you could roll down in your van stocked up with tools and the usual spares. e.g, brake bleeding facilitys, innertubes, maggie parts, bottom brackets etc.

well anyway i was thinking if you had that at a ride. would people be willing to use it. is it just a stupid idea and would not work. has anyone else done this or similar.

Do you think it would be possible to make a profit from?

Anyways cheers guys.


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Yes it would be usefull, but far from profitable unless you own a trials shop stocking the parts, a van and have the time to follow people about on bikes :)

Basically it would be nice from a riders point of view but pretty impractical :D

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well i guess the idea would be for the person running the van to join the ride and ride themselves so therefore they would be not really doing it as a job but more as a hobby. i would also have thought that for it to work i would have to run a shop to be able to afford parts and running costs1!

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Good idea but I think if it was profitable it would probably have been done before. As has been said, to do it ideally you'd need to own a trials shop and no doubt if you do, you're not going to have the time to be travelling around in a van with all your gear in, to different trials events.

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well personally i think the idea is good, wh would'nt i as i thought it hahaha. but yeah its just how possible would it be to do. i would also have to figure out demand and running costs also would have to get a van tools etc. it wont happen soon if atall for me but depending on demand is wether i look into going ahead with maybe a mini version to start with and trial it. if it is sucessfull go ahead with making it bigger etc.

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but as an experienced rider do you carry a bleed kit for example along with a spare bb, brake lever, freewheel i guess its for the more unexpected problems with a bike, and also maybe by having it it would save space in back packs and leave more room for food :) haha as people would know the van would have the spares?

i dono if thats me being sill though

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I take ALL the tools for my bike. Pritty much always got, spare brake hoseing, sometimes spare pads, always got spare tube. On the odd occasion spare bb, stem or something.

But nothing major like rims or frame or forks etc.

But your idea is good :)

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It's a good idea,

And it doesn't really matter if it's not too profitable,

because it wouldn't cost much to stock 1/maybe 2 of each part.

Only small number of each item because there may only be one person that needs it.

The main things you could do with stocking is plently of each size innertube(and puncture repair kits) and a few magura crossovers.

Other than those two, there's not a lot of things that break easily.

Try it and see, i know i'd be really greatful for it if i ever had to use it.


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I think with trials products progressing the way they are it may not be the most profitable idea.

Parts are lasting longer and are lighter, thus people will rarely need replacing of BB etc and if any part was on its way out they are more able to carry it.

The main problem for me would be payment. Not many people carry around £60 for a BB or £30 for bars. Fair enough they may be able to use a cash point, however, i find most of the time i ride i'm not near any cash points.

You'd also have to carry around a few different components as not all are compatable.

Also the number of rides you'd have to go on to make any sort of profit would be huge. If the odds of a bike breaking is 1 in 15 rides, you would have to drive to a number of destinations over a long period of time to make any pure profit, which is much less than is spent on petrol. I understand you may want to attened the ride to actually ride, but do you ride a new place every week? I found Portsmouth to be a very popular riding spot, with riders travelling down from all over the country to ride, but i know i could not have made any money from selling spares.

Best of luck if you do try this idea (Y).


P.S. you could start by just having a few spares in you backpack and selling them on rides.....i would think this to be a better idea.

P.P.S the turnaround on stock is extremly fast therefore you'd have to keep updating the products you stock....may be a bit of a loss.

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Why would you carry spare frames for people?

I can't really see a rider snapping their frame, then sit there with bike bits scattered about whilst they build their new bike up.

Plus, some spots are in city centres, tucked away through alleys etc. Pretty hard to get a van through to some places...

And I'd just call you a stalker. :P

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  oliyoungman14 said:
but as an experienced rider do you carry a bleed kit for example along with a spare bb, brake lever, freewheel i guess its for the more unexpected problems with a bike, and also maybe by having it it would save space in back packs and leave more room for food :) haha as people would know the van would have the spares?

i dono if thats me being sill though

Bleed kit- Vee ;)

BB- Get a good, bomb proof BB (un53)

brake lever- Cnc'd lever

freewheel- get a good freewheel (ENO, Try-All)

Unless your extremly unlucky, none of these things should happen to you, i mean, all of you problems can be countered in some way, shape or form :)

But yeah, i carry everything with me when i go riding, just incase :)

Exept bleed kits, cause everyone knows maggies are gay...

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you could play a tune aswell, like how icecream vans play annoying and unique tunes.

or the general trend of music on trials vids is loud tripe where people shout down the mic, if you played that from van, a trials rider would be intruiged just like a kid is for an icecream van

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i carry virtually every tool, but i buy parts when i'm out. but i'll only carry a spare tube + brake cable and maybe a chain, 'cause there the most likely parts to go. but the most you need is a set of allen keys, spanners for hub nuts, and maybe a bleed kit and bottom bracket tools.

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