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Booster Modification


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So, I'm thinking about taking a hack saw to my Adamant brake booster, and making it 2 bolt instead of 4. I find that it's too stiff(brake makes no noise, I've tried 3 different brake pads on 2 different grinds), and taking a bit of weight off would be nice.

Would it be a dumb idea to do this? anyone else tried it?

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I did it to my Rb, because i couldnt find anymore long bolts, and used it mainly to protect my cross over. It will work, but you've chosen the 2 worst reasons in the world to do it.... Noise and Weight... hardly going to make a difference and is just a waste of time.

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Does your brake work well with it as a 4-bolt booster? By "Work well", I mean function well, not make a loud noise.

It's okayish, it slips a lot on the bigger moves. Seems to work better without a booster :S

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whats your current brake setup? pads/grind/bleed/frame?

Rock blues, med grind, good bleed, GU LE. and an Adamant booster of course...

I also tried Plaz and Koxx browns. They didn't seem to work any better, the plaz were really bad...

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You seem to be missing the idea that a loud brake does not have to go hand in hand with a working brake. When you use the booster, does the brake work well. Not 'is it loud' or 'does it wake up your neighbours' but does it work? Because unless you're doing something very wrong (like a badly set up brake or whatever) your setup should be really strong.

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