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When Petrol/diesel Runs Out...

Egg Fried Rice

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Not having oil will be a pretty massive f**k-up for everyone's lives

As big a f**k-up as having no planet left to exist in? I know I personally would rather exist in a society without technology than not to exist at all.

People like nice things, they have nice things, most of them would like to keep them, and giving them up will be very hard for them.

So people are willing to destory their world, f**k up the planet for future generations, wreak that damage on all other animals and plant life, bring enormous difficulties on our grand children and great grandchildren by not acting now, all because of the niceties in life? Thats not an argument, thats psychotic.


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As big a f**k-up as having no planet left to exist in?

Well, if the planet goes, we go, after all, we are part of the planet, we have only ever existed on this planet. Using all the oil won't be the end of the world, it will just be a massive problem, but with any luck we have foresight to overcome it.

I know I personally would rather exist in a society without technology than not to exist at all.

How can you possibly say that? You have never experienced either, society has never been forced back 200 years at the click of the fingers and you have never conciously known that you have not existed. There is no logic behind that.

So people are willing to destory their world, f**k up the planet for future generations, wreak that damage on all other animals and plant life, bring enormous difficulties on our grand children and great grandchildren by not acting now, all because of the niceties in life? Thats not an argument, thats psychotic.

I'm not saying they/(we) shouldn't/won't give those things up, I'm saying for them all to disappear quickly would be incredibly difficult. Without a steady transition, it would be pandemonium. Just look what happens when there is a minor fuel crisis, everyone goes out and panic buys. They dont really need to, the flow is still enough to supply the bear minimum, but the entire UK is in gridlock. As the amount of oil drops, its going to be hard to accept the change unless it's very gradual and alternatives are ready. Technology in it's very anture is emant to advance, but if suddenly it dropped back 200 years, I don't you'd be quite as happy as you make out.

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Well, if the planet goes, we go, after all, we are part of the planet, we have only ever existed on this planet. Using all the oil won't be the end of the world, it will just be a massive problem, but with any luck we have foresight to overcome it.

The thing is, by the time we have burned all oil and other non renuable fuels, the catastrophic amount of damge we will have done to the planet will be utterly irreversable.

How can you possibly say that? You have never experienced either, society has never been forced back 200 years at the click of the fingers and you have never conciously known that you have not existed. There is no logic behind that.

Erm, I meant that I would rather be alive in a society without technology than be fried by nuclear winds caused by extreme damge to the ozone layer that global warming is causing, but whatever.

I'm not saying they/(we) shouldn't/won't give those things up, I'm saying for them all to disappear quickly would be incredibly difficult. Without a steady transition, it would be pandemonium. Just look what happens when there is a minor fuel crisis, everyone goes out and panic buys. They dont really need to, the flow is still enough to supply the bear minimum, but the entire UK is in gridlock. As the amount of oil drops, its going to be hard to accept the change unless it's very gradual and alternatives are ready. Technology in it's very anture is emant to advance, but if suddenly it dropped back 200 years, I don't you'd be quite as happy as you make out.

This is the thing, you're addressing this as something that I'd be 'happy' or 'not happy' about; I love my bike, when I drove I loved my car, I love the internet and I love the ability to utilise technology, but my happiness is irrelevant when it comes down to the fact that there are people all around the world who are ALREADY paying the price of global warming such as innuits and the third world, 90% of which aren't even the ones burning all the fuel!

The thing is you and I are looking at the same picture from a different angle; yes, there would be hysteria, and pandemonium, but the thing is, its going to have to happen at somepoint. People have GOT to realise the damage they are doing to the world, and more than that, they have to be given a reason to care, which most do not. We are f**king this planet for all its worth and the most terrifying thing as that people know but can't be BOTHERED to act.

Watch this video, read the titles, and listen to the speech halfway through.

By the facts they reckon here, we've got approximately 21 years to do something enormous, I mean something on a monster scale. I'll put money on the fact that come 2030, we're gonna be in exactly the same place, bitching about how much fuel costs.


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I'm starting to worry about this as well - not about petrol running out which is highly unlikely but by the prices going up so high you'll need to be very well off to run even a small a car. Hydrogen fuel cells are the answer but what will happen to sports cars? I mean can you imagine production cars with 300KW engines? Such a thing will probably use up more current in one hour of driving on a track than an average house does in a week.

At the moment, thanks to how weak the dollar is, the petrol prices aren't that bad. Over here they've risen only by 8p in the last 2 years. But 2 years ago, the dollar was worth 50% more than it is now. So that's a bit worrying. I've always wanted a very powerful car like an Evo, M5 or RS4 but have been putting off buying one until I'm say 26. However with the projected petrol prices in a few years time being as they are, running a car like that will be harder on the wallet than actually buying one. So I guess it's now or never, if you want to get something which gobbles up petrol, get it now or be prepared to buy a Prius in the future >_<

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