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I also don't really feel the need to drink apart from in relatively rare circumstances, just 'cos I'm not really into it, and I don't think I've ever met someone who's been enhanced personality-wise by being pissed.

Yeah, and that's my main reasoning against coke. I know loads of people who are into it, all are rich kids and they just act like self-obsessed dicks when on it. I'm enough of a dick in real life, without coke making things worse :D

Seriously though, coke is just bad. I've seen first hand the effects of a cocaine-induced heart attack on a 28 year old guy. He's f**ked now.

People on pills (E) don't seem too bad, but I just don't like the idea of needing them to have a good night.

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Personally, I've never tried anything along these lines, and don't ever intend to.

A few friends and I went to an all night psytrance night a little while back, and towards the middle of the event, some guy near us on the main floor pulled about 6 or 7 pills from his pocket, and took them all at once.

Now, I couldn't tell you what they were, what else he'd taken up to that point, what he'd drunk etc or anything along those lines, but seeing him drop to the floor and start flipping out within about 30 seconds of doing them was plenty enough to help me make up my mind on the whole situation...

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People on pills (E) don't seem too bad, but I just don't like the idea of needing them to have a good night.

My former (But soon to be current) flatmate is pretty into pills, and it was always comedy when he used to knock on my door, I'd open, and he'd be there furiously chewing chewing gum with a crazy look on his face. Conversations were generally a shitload longer 'cos it'd take him a bit longer to reply, but yeah, it was kinda funny.

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My former (But soon to be current) flatmate is pretty into pills, and it was always comedy when he used to knock on my door, I'd open, and he'd be there furiously chewing chewing gum with a crazy look on his face. Conversations were generally a shitload longer 'cos it'd take him a bit longer to reply, but yeah, it was kinda funny.

I wouldn't allow someone into that shit live with me. It might be funny in small doses but it's only a matter of time before he brings a load of his f**k face buddies over for a party and someone ODs or dies, maybe something expensive is broken or someone steals from you and somehow or other the Police get involved and you get dragged down with the lot of them. You don't need that shit.

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In the two years I've known him, that has never happened. He's brought his other friends round sometimes, but they're all fine. Like other people have said in this thread, people on MDMA are a shitload easier to deal with than people who are drunk, yet drinking alcohol isn't even just accepted, it's positively promoted in our culture. I think assuming that he and his friends are "f**k faces" because they chose to do some MDMA every now and again is a massive generalisation too, but from your other posts in this thread it's pretty apparent that your attitude of "If you do drugs you're a terrible person" won't change any time soon.

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No. Opposite - Ecstacy restricts your ability to control and pass water. Most of the people that die on Ecstacy are the ones who drink lots. It causes the brain to swell and press against the skull.

What do you think a hangover is?

Edited by Robwalker
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It's pretty easy to see who in this thread has absolutely no experience with drugs in any way :lol:

"If you take drugs you will become a criminal and probably die" :huh:

If E was as accepted as alcohol then you'd all be fine with it

As it is though, a substance that kills 40,000 people a year and costs the tax payer millions in medical attention and criminal damage, that you can buy in any supermarket is absolutely fine!

The danger pill that kills 20 people year is the one to avoid like the plague :unsure:

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In the two years I've known him, that has never happened. He's brought his other friends round sometimes, but they're all fine. Like other people have said in this thread, people on MDMA are a shitload easier to deal with than people who are drunk, yet drinking alcohol isn't even just accepted, it's positively promoted in our culture. I think assuming that he and his friends are "f**k faces" because they chose to do some MDMA every now and again is a massive generalisation too, but from your other posts in this thread it's pretty apparent that your attitude of "If you do drugs you're a terrible person" won't change any time soon.

Don't get me wrong pal - I don't assume they're terrible people. I have friends that do drugs too, I've just learned to keep myself safe by staying at a distance when it comes to things like this. So something may not have gone wrong yet but it doesn't mean that it won't. You seem like a smart enough guy Mark, I'd hate to hear that you got f**ked over because of some idiot friend of a friend of a friend.

What do you think a hangover is?

A hangover is dehydration, it's the complete opposite to Ecstacy.

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I find it pretty offensive that that picture is hosted by Tripod.

Don't get me wrong pal - I don't assume they're terrible people. I have friends that do drugs too, I've just learned to keep myself safe by staying at a distance when it comes to things like this. So something may not have gone wrong yet but it doesn't mean that it won't. You seem like a smart enough guy Mark, I'd hate to hear that you got f**ked over because of some idiot friend of a friend of a friend.

f**king hell, I can't even be bothered replying to this shit.

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f**king hell, I can't even be bothered replying to this shit.

Why not? Being involved with drugs in any way has its risks regardless of wether you take them or not. I want to know what you think.

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To be honest.

I know people who take drugs, and I'm not talking serious stuff. I'm ashamed to say I know them. I think they shouldn't be doing what they're doing, and more the point, they chose to start, and now cannot stop! I have chosen not to socialise with them because of who they are and what they do.

They start fights, are rude, and generally unsociable!

That's my opinion on it anyway....

Edited by Hendrix
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You blatantly don't? I can't be bothered going into it purely because of how ridiculously naive you are about it all. Don't give me that "Listen, pal" shit - drugs don't completely f**k up your entire personality unless you let them. As I've said earlier in this thread, almost everyone I know in London does drugs to some extent, and they're all fine. Yes, you see those nasty men who live on the streets who partake of illicit drugs who are most definitely not very nice people at all, young sir, but that doesn't really equate to my friends at uni who are perfectly nice people who happen to like to take coke or MDMA. People who do that shit tend to know much, much better than people who just go out and get pissed what their limits are, simply because that's how it works. The people I live with who take MDMA are generally nice, non-aggressive people, and they don't suddenly become vandalising hooligans because they've taken any MDMA. Again, that's not how it works. Funnily enough, the only time I've ever had trouble off anyone I know or any people who lived in any of the blocks in halls last year were people who drink alcohol, but yet again, no-one gives a shit about that 'cos it's legal.

Being involved with drugs in any way has its risks

Risks that you're massively, massively blowing out of proportion. The way that you, despite not knowing anything about my friends decided that they were "f**k faces" and had "f**k face buddies" (Oh, and "f**k face buddies" - "I don't assume they're terrible people", er, yes you did?) simply because of one aspect of their lives - that they take recreational drugs - completely proves this. You can't know anything about someone from listening to something about one part of their lives, yet you completely judged them based on that. Every single little thing you've said on the matter of drugs is straight out of the high school, completely biased, not at all balanced "Drugs are evil" talks. You say you have friends who do 'drugs' (Nice blanket term?), and you stay well away, which suggests that's probably why you've got no idea about how people's friends might act if they're on pills. I didn't once feel threatened, they didn't do anything aggressive, violent, or anything negative at all. I feel more negative vibes off people who are drinking by far - they're the ones who try and start fights, f**k stuff up, steal shit (Ask any uni student with a cleaning sign or traffic cone in their room how they got it. I'd wager it'd be because they'd been out drinking, not 'cos they'd dropped some pills).

That's pretty much all I can really be bothered saying about it, because like I said before, you're obviously totally stuck in this view you've got. Like I said, I used to think like you do (Although not to the same extent), but having been around drugs more, you realise they're not as bad as those high school lessons/parents would have you believe. Setting up 'Frank' was probably one of the best things that's been done to try and actually EDUCATE people on drugs, not feed them some sort of completely inaccurate and massively misleading dogma.

Hendrix - post-91-1212363188_thumb.jpg

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They start fights, are rude, and generally unsociable!

The only time I've ever been started on when I've been out has been as a result of people being pissed. The only time I get threatened by people at Southbank is when they're pissed. Compare the figures of deaths or injuries or damage caused by drink-driving to those caused by driving under the influence of drugs. Compare the figures of people going into hospitals every weekend for stomach pumps and alcohol poisoning to those who've overdosed. Compare the figures of people who have been injured whilst under the influence of alcohol to those under the influence of drugs. Compare the figures of people who've been assaulted by people who were under the influence of alcohol instead of under the influence of drugs. Compare the people who've caused criminal damage whilst under the influence of alcohol to those under the influence of drugs.

Are you going to disassociate yourselves and be ridiculously patronising towards everyone you know who drinks alcohol?

What kind of weird weed or pills are your friends taking if they're getting violent? Everyone I've seen who's gotten stoned has generally only had one thing on their mind, and that tends to be snacks of some kind. The only people I've seen who're on pills tend to be gurning like hell and generally pretty friendly.

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I accept drinking isn't that better, but most of the people I know who drink, don't fight, don't start fights and are just generally sound.

Where as, the "druggies", usually aren't.

But, I haven't been exposed to the drug scene in it's extensive amount yet. I hope not to have to be, as if it is as the guys I know are, then it'd be a bad place to be.

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Granted, not all. But some.

Ok and of your non-drug taking friends, how many of them are f**k faced trouble starters?

I think being an arsehole is a personality trait, not something drug induced

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A hangover is where the alcohol has poisend the blood which is causing your brain to swell up and push against the side of your skull. If this was the case of extacy then it would be commonly known that extacy causes very bad headaches, which it doesnt...

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I've been sat in the same tent as people snorting Cocaine and I'll say this - they're friends of mine and I know they're not terrible people, they wouldn't be friends otherwise. I was politely offered it and politely refused, that being the end of it. There was no pressure but at the same time I was uneasy because I knew that they had a class A drug in a place where we could easily be found and I couldn't help but think that if they get caught I get f**ked too just for being there.

When somebody takes drugs it changes the way they think and the way they act - I've seen someone become reckless and end up harming themselves because they're influenced by the drug they are taking. It just takes one lapse of judgement for something to go wrong and when it does I don't want to be there - that's why I keep my distance and stay out of that part of their lives. I've every right to ensure my own safety, all I was suggesting is that you think ahead a little and be concerned of yours.

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I accept drinking isn't that better, but most of the people I know who drink, don't fight, don't start fights and are just generally sound.

Where as, the "druggies", usually aren't.

But, I haven't been exposed to the drug scene in it's extensive amount yet. I hope not to have to be, as if it is as the guys I know are, then it'd be a bad place to be.

See, you're giving away the fact that you're not a real musician/rock star. lol at the 'druggies' comment. Do you actually know any 'druggies'? Of course not, because if you did, you wouldn't be saying this stuff.

(P.S. Sorry for the inverted commas but I find 'druggies' a funny word)

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A hangover is where the alcohol has poisend the blood which is causing your brain to swell up and push against the side of your skull. If this was the case of extacy then it would be commonly known that extacy causes very bad headaches, which it doesnt...

You've missed the point - Ecstacy damages the bodys ability to pass water. You only 'get headaches' or die when you drink far too much while under the influence of Esctacy, which is why your brain swells.

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