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Now for the reality, not just "what people have heard".

"E" is not as bad as people make out, sure it's not good for you, but it's not as life threatening as people would like to make you think... I've played at countless events, with 90% of the people there on some kind of drug.

Plus sides:

* Person gets really happy

* It's nearly impossible for someone on a pill to cause trouble, they are too happy

* A pill is £4 and you only need one to keep you going all night, cheaper than £3 a pint every 35 mins


* You can become dependant on them to have a good night out

* 3 Day "comedowns"

* It is possible to have a bad reaction, but unlikely

The myths about dehydrating and collapsing are annoying too, you've only gotta swig some water now and again - people say a pint an hour but it's not that necessary. You don't go out of control and need to be force fed water, you get thirsty and drink some.

I don't touch drugs and never have, but I'm not against them, I just buzz off the music and enjoy beer :)

EDIT: There are more casualties / fatalities with alcohol annually - percentage wise.

Dunno how much of that is relevant to your area but its a lot different for me.

I also only read the first page cause i imagine half the people commenting dont go out much or are too young/never taken them before.

Pills here are £2 each or if you're selling them 100 for £70.

Ive been asleep for like 30 hours after a few the night before.

They're not addictive

theyre not dangerous unless you're an idiot.

Its like reading in the paper that tuna is bad for you or that you're an alcoholic because you drink a few pints every night.

Personally i think its a good drug saves me quite a bit of money and always leads to a funny night

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+ 1.

drugs aren't cool. That's my opinion, I can have fun without drinking or taking foreign substances.

anything that effects your mind and the way you think is dangerous.

Maybe i'm not cool enough for all of this :giggle:

shit me! pull this boy out of school, he cannot learn another thing!!! education affects your mind/way you think aswell you mong.

personally i have no problems with people popping pills, doing lines or smoking a joint, so long as its done in moderation. one day i will probs try a line/ pop a pill, its exploration of your mind and what stuff does to it... i used to smoke weed, am i a house burgling messhead? nope...


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Appreciating some of the views put forward, especially those individuals who don't use drugs themselves but have enough of an open mind to accept other peoples choices to do so.

My experiences of ecstacy have been both good and bad. The first time I did it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life to be honest. Words like euphoric and ecstatic are apt description. Your empathy and love for everything and everyone becomes rather intense. I didn't really have much of a comedown the first time despite taking five pills - I just felt a bit more tired than normal. I think drugs, in so much as they alter your perception to a larger degree than anything else you put in your body, can be very enlightening. They can teach you about how the way we see the world is relative to how we are at a certain time or who we are. They certainly did this for me.

However, as I said, I've had some bad times. Awful come downs, mood swings, etc. but this was most likely based on the fact I had mental health troubles prior to my drug use. Although in some ways drugs reminded me that I could feel better than I did when depressed, they also tended to make the problem worse. If you do have mental health problems I don't really advise their use. Doing drugs with a healthy body and mind though isn't nearly so much of an issue. To be honest, I find alcohol causes me more problems these days. I do know people though who have had more serious problems with ecstacy but again this related to a prior disposition before taking the drug. In other words, not everyone has that disposition and not everyone has bad experiences with drugs. Like riding trials and pretty much all else in life, it's a gamble.

What I find frustrating though is when people are willing to judge my whole being based on my drug use - a small part of my life. They've decided, absent of much or any personal experience, that what I'm upto is wrong and that consequently, I'm wrong. Although to be honest, I also understand that stance as I've been there, so I'm going to try my best not to judge back. Frustration will do :)

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Okay, drugs is a weird one. So many factors regarding so much of it that its completely idiotic to throw a generalisation in thats somewhere along the lines of "drugs are bad". From first hand experience i've seen it depends on the drug, the person and the reliability of the person they're getting it off (both directly and indirectly). I've known normal everyday people who do drugs higher than your common spliff, and i've known retarded wannabe gangsters who think they're even f**king cooler if they take drugs and as a result feel they have more power to steal and abuse people.

I've decided i don't mind what other people do so long as they don't cause me any bother either directly or indirectly (within reason). I don't mind someone chatting rubbish because they're tanked, i don't mind having someone uncontrollably laughing, as irritating as it might be. I do mind having someone want to start a fight because they want to get the best of their high and a fight will give them more of a buzz. I do mind having my stuff stolen to pay for drugs, and i do mind having my stuff broken "for a laugh". I think i'd also strongly dislike being stabbed or worse because someones tripping out and sees me as some kind of halucinisation that they are shit scared of... giant bumblebee or evil clowns etc are things i've known friends to see and they got so scared they either wanted to run and hide or destroy whatever it is they're seeing, usually involving some kind of weapon (sticks, plant pots, knives etc).

I also don't like people trying to force me into taking stuff. I respect their decision to take it and so they should respect mine on whether to take anything or not (the majority of the time people really are happy with a polite "thanks for the offer, but no thanks").

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I'm one of these people who thinks 'drugs are bad'. I'd be pissed off if i found out one of my friends took ecstasy, and i'd be on their ass untill they stopped without even giving two shits wether they're adictive or not, have any long term effects, or not. It just wouldn't matter. They've got to be illigal for a reason, and there's people out there who are a lot more intilligent than me making these descisions so we don't have to. I supose i'd have different views if they were legal. Then you know there's no shit in them, the money isn't going to criminals etc etc.

My adivce would just be to stay away.

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