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i don't get the idea that dealers cut with nasty shit, unless they think "durr killing my target market/f**king them up seriously means they'll buy shit from me agan". i know a few pill'eds and stoners, they all seem fine to me. don't think i'd go near pills 'cause the comdowns shit and you cant controll how much your having, compared to with a joint you know how much buddah you've packed in it + whiteying doesn't last long.

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  monkeyseemonkeydo said:
a sign that the person is a bit of a loser who needs to poison themselves in order to have fun.

Take it you dont drink then either?

As for ectasy, ive never took it, wont say i never will, but i never intend to.

Im not anti drug either, but then im not pro drug.

Ive tried most other drugs, including a rather dodgy couple of months living for getting coked up on a friday and saturday night. but thats all over after a messy and pretty sobering night last july(basically I ran out of coke at 7am, around 10am, everybody else was getting money together to go pick up again, by which time it and the alcohol had worn off on me, and i sat there, thinking "i went through an 1/8th last night, thats not good, and that was a waste of £60, were now looking at doing the same thing all over again, feck that".

And i think thats one of the main reasons i dont touch ectasy, its the fact that i can go out and spend £50 on booze on a night out, perhaps vomit once or twice if im really stupid, but generally ill take £60 or £70 out, spend £50 on booze, and not be too bad. but for £50 i could get 100 pills. and im just the kinda person that does like to see how far i can push things, and tend to have a high tolerance to most things as well. i could quite easily see myself putting 25 or more pills in me over a weekend and just killing myself. On top of that i kind of view them as dirty, With coke, you know who your dealing with, you know near enough what your getting, its pretty reliable, but pills, the guy we used to buy off in bulk, used to sell very large numbers of pills, and as much as hell never admit it, and neither will any of my friends who take them and buy off him in bulk (there not dealers, but if 10 mates want 10 pills each for a weekend, you buy in 100's to save money) admit it, but ive seen dodgy batches of pills first hand. as Smo said, its not the mdma in them that fecks you up, theyll be cut with all sorts(flour,teething powder,UHT milk etc) to bulk them out into pill form, as well as having other drugs added into them to make different batches different (Ketamine, amphetamines, and over the counter stuff, such as caffeine tablets, paracetemol, heard of creatine being in them before) and people will have allergic reactions to whats put in them etc.

As for the person who said that pills with a different stamp on them are weaker than another pill. There not, really. granted some pills with have higher content of MDMA, but if i sat 4 different pills in front of you with 4 different stamps on them, theres no guarantee that the dove your getting this week, is the same as the dove your getting next week off a different dealer. Ive seen sh*t windmills, and average windmills. Mint White hearts, and white hearts that might as well of been a placebo, likewise with others. and a lot of pills that have got reputations of being stupidly strong, will often have their stamp copied, and transferred over to cheaper pills.

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  ogre said:
i don't get the idea that dealers cut with nasty shit, unless they think "durr killing my target market/f**king them up seriously means they'll buy shit from me agan". i know a few pill'eds and stoners, they all seem fine to me. don't think i'd go near pills 'cause the comdowns shit and you cant controll how much your having, compared to with a joint you know how much buddah you've packed in it + whiteying doesn't last long.

They aren't that stupid - I doubt they'd mix in highly toxic substances but I bet they'd throw in something just to increase the bulk and earn more money. People die when they have bad reactions to the chemicals, and any chemical could be in any pill - by matter of chance that could be the one that kills you because your body can't tolerate it. On top of that anyone down the line could mess with whatever product it is - blame can be shifted.

Either way it's irrelevant. Drugs are a bad idea.

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  Danny Kearns said:
I've done cocaine once. Was damn amazing, never felt so good in my life.

It can;t kill you and makes you feel amazing.

A few months ago, i thought you where the full on coke snorting guy, but you only took it at raves and football matches you said.

As for it not being able to kill you....... Bollox.

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with regards to cutting, you've got to remember that if a person is selling drugs they're probably not Steven Hawkin and as such probably aren't clever enough to think about their clients and/or clever enough to know that what they put in might be harmful.

e.g. "washing powder is great on my clothes so if my clients snort it they'll have beautifully clean internal organs and will thank me endlessly"

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  trials_punk182 said:
Take it you dont drink then either?

Not really, and never to excess, well, not in the last 10 years. I don't like the taste of alcohol and don't like drunk people so tend to not bother with drink. Not against having the odd cider (quite like the taste for some reason) and maybe once a year I might get a bit tipsy but never drunk.

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  monkeyseemonkeydo said:
Not really, and never to excess, well, not in the last 10 years. I don't like the taste of alcohol and don't like drunk people so tend to not bother with drink. Not against having the odd cider (quite like the taste for some reason) and maybe once a year I might get a bit tipsy but never drunk.

exactly the same as me

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  James Quigley said:
with regards to cutting, you've got to remember that if a person is selling drugs they're probably not Steven Hawkin and as such probably aren't clever enough to think about their clients and/or clever enough to know that what they put in might be harmful.

e.g. "washing powder is great on my clothes so if my clients snort it they'll have beautifully clean internal organs and will thank me endlessly"

I don't think that's true to be honest. Whoever is cutting pills somewhere high up the line probably has alot of money and a few brains to get them there? Granted their brains could be used better but i doubt they're 16 year old mugs.

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  monkeyseemonkeydo said:
Not really, and never to excess, well, not in the last 10 years. I don't like the taste of alcohol and don't like drunk people so tend to not bother with drink. Not against having the odd cider (quite like the taste for some reason) and maybe once a year I might get a bit tipsy but never drunk.

alcohol is a part of life, through my eyes anyway. people just have a tendancy to drink now and then. as for drugs, they do not.

a girl lived local to me had a bad reaction and died from ecstacy, age 16. ofcourse this is extreme case

and talking about mixing things, cocaine is apparently pink now (in my area anyway) because its powder is also mixed with brick dust

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i've taken mdma which is basically e in a pure form. I'm not going to take it again because i don't think i really need to i'm having a good enough time without it atm. it is properly amazing though great feeling but i get the same feeling of satisfaction from riding downhill and sometimes trials so basically e is a lazy way of riding downhill lol

I don't tend to drink ever these days and was fairly partial to the odd joint but i've cut that out too.

also for decent pills here (ie not just pill powder with e stamped on it or something worse) your looking at 10-12 quid each so if you take 2 every weekend your basically wasting 80 quid a month which on my shitty apprentice wage would take you 2 days to earn. not really worth it in my eyes i'd much rather go out and ride one of my bikes.

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There's a lot of bullshit in this thread, split about 50-50 between:

  • Drugs are bad, mmmmkay?
  • Drugs are ace and they can't hurt you!

I don't really care what other people do, as long as they are aware of the risks/benefits. But from this thread it's patently obviously that a lot of people don't. For the record, cocaine is one of the most dangerous drugs, it's quite scary that there are people who think it's harmless.

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  moctezuma said:
alcohol is a part of life, through my eyes anyway. people just have a tendancy to drink now and then. as for drugs, they do not.

and talking about mixing things, cocaine is apparently pink now (in my area anyway) because its powder is also mixed with brick dust

I think you'll find most clubbers take drugs, so they do have a tendancy. I mean clubbers, not people that go to a club to listen to RnB in your local town... I'm talking dance music / raving.

And as for the Coke, I very much doubt it - have you seen it first hand? Nobody would buy pink Cocaine.

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  TheScientist said:
Plus sides:

* Person gets really happy

* It's nearly impossible for someone on a pill to cause trouble, they are too happy

* A pill is £4 and you only need one to keep you going all night, cheaper than £3 a pint every 35 mins


* You can become dependant on them to have a good night out

* 3 Day "comedowns"

* It is possible to have a bad reaction, but unlikely

How can 1 pill last a Whole night? from experiance i know the effect will wear of after around 3 to 4 hours, i've always known the standard to be a double drop first off, followed by 1 every hour.

Same With comedowns, Ive seen one that was gone completely within a couple of hours (like completely gone, not wear the effects seem to die down before coming back again) and again ive seen comedowns lasting up to and over 3 days like you said.

The thing with E is that you cant state facts like youhave, because every single one is different.

  James Quigley said:
with regards to cutting, you've got to remember that if a person is selling drugs they're probably not Steven Hawkin and as such probably aren't clever enough to think about their clients and/or clever enough to know that what they put in might be harmful.

e.g. "washing powder is great on my clothes so if my clients snort it they'll have beautifully clean internal organs and will thank me endlessly"

The only drugs dealers ive managed to get friendly with are in the majority really clever, yeh you''ll obviously get a couple of idiots but to get somewhere in the grind you've gotta have some brains.

EDIT: just realised what ive said has been said elsewhre in the tyhread, my bad.

Edited by Joe_Elding
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  TheScientist said:
I think you'll find most clubbers take drugs, so they do have a tendancy. I mean clubbers, not people that go to a club to listen to RnB in your local town... I'm talking dance music / raving.

And as for the Coke, I very much doubt it - have you seen it first hand? Nobody would buy pink Cocaine.

yeah liquid in newcastle, i get asked like 5 times a night for pills, dont quite know what theyre on about but theyre all ravers.

and yes, its well known that brick dust dilutes the cocaine. - im pretty sure its cocaine anyway, im not up on drugs or shit

edit - in my area its well known anyway, ive heard many frequent drug users mention this

Edited by moctezuma
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  Joe_Elding said:
How can 1 pill last a Whole night? from experiance i know the effect will wear of after around 3 to 4 hours, i've always known the standard to be a double drop first off, followed by 1 every hour.

Same With comedowns, Ive seen one that was gone completely within a couple of hours (like completely gone, not wear the effects seem to die down before coming back again) and again ive seen comedowns lasting up to and over 3 days like you said.

The thing with E is that you cant state facts like youhave, because every single one is different.

I was aiming it more at the person that is trying it for the first time...

I doubt the thread starter will be double dropping then 1 every hour after... I have a friend that has been known to take 10 in one night but he's a total wreckhead.

After your first one you normally have a nasty comedown, the more you do it the less you notice it I guess.

I'm not stating facts, as I said, it's just what I've seen from friends and punters at events I've played at.

I've been clubbing / raving for nearly 7 years so I've seen a good few people on pills.

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I'm not anti drug.

But I was very drunk. on a night out, was offered it and thought why not? You only live once.

Didnt really get much of a comedown, like was said a BAD hangover yeah.

Wont do it again because I dont need to to have a good time.

Would never touch anything else though, except the green.

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  TheScientist said:
And as for the Coke, I very much doubt it - have you seen it first hand? Nobody would buy pink Cocaine.

There is the drug pink champagne though.

which is traditionally just a type of amphetamines, that was pink (so basically speed)

however last spring time, there was some stuff going round manchester, which people where calling pink panther, and also pink champagne.

this pink panther/faux pink champagne. Was MDMA crystals and dust(although largely dust) coloured pink, and it was supposedly the dogs bollox of MDMA.

Wouldnt be suprised if thats now/still floating round other bits of the country.

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I used to have the same sort of "People who need to take drugs must have shit lives" view that a lot of people in this thread have, but since moving to London it's completely changed. The majority of my friends in my year at uni all take coke at the weekends, and most times they'll take stronger stuff too. A lot of the people I ride with get f**ked on MDMA every couple of weeks. Basically, the vast majority of people I know in London, of all different ages, all take drugs to some extent, but if you just spoke to them on the street, you wouldn't think it. It's the same as trials - people find riding trials rewarding, but other people see it as a nuisance, a waste of money, a waste of time, a waste of your body (Who here hasn't been injured riding, and when people are talking about 'not knowing the long-term effects' - how good d'you reckon your body's going to feel when you're drawing your pension out? Probably not shit-hot), life threatening, and pretty much everything else people have attributed to drug taking.

Personally, I don't feel the need to do anything drugs-wise, so I don't. I also don't really feel the need to drink apart from in relatively rare circumstances, just 'cos I'm not really into it, and I don't think I've ever met someone who's been enhanced personality-wise by being pissed.

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  TheScientist said:
I have a friend that has been known to take 10 in one night but he's a total wreckhead.

Some kid who lives near me has supposed to have had 17 in one night... he's a total wreakhead too though.

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  Porn said:
Some kid who lives near me has supposed to have had 17 in one night... he's a total wreakhead too though.

Ive seen first hand 24 in an all nighter,although to be fair, they where the worst pills known to man

I also no someone whos reportedly done 43 in one night, and ended up having convulsions, but ive got serious doubts about that number,considering the pills he had at the time were reasonably strong.

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  Boumsong said:
This is that awesome drug that can cause your brain to drown itself, takes you around 25 minutes of complete agony to die. It's supposed to feel like a bulldozer slowly driving over you.

thats if you get dehydrated from excessive excercise then drink enough to poison you

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