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The Factor Named Fear


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Hello to everyone

In my short experience in trials riding I recently started encountering problems with the learning process of some moves as I progress.

And the reason why is because of fear.In the most cases I am not afraid to pull out a move that I have already nearly mastered (I will not fear to lurch a fairly big gap for example)but when I try to learn something new then there is a problem.As a result I progress very slowlyin comparison with other riders (and it's not only the fear that holds me back.I ride and learn alone cause there is no other person that is interested in trials in my city)

The truth is that when I try to pull off the new move something like reflexes make me stop the move before finishing it (for example when I try to sidehop,in the most cases I will stop the move after proloading and then leave the front tire fell rather than jump and kick the pedals)(this is what I name fear)

And this happens when I try to climb a very short wall so I don't try to go any higher...

I'm trying to sidehop correctly around 2 months with only a small progression. :(

Something else that I have to say (maybe it's silly) that I am not afraid of hurting myself (because I haven't reached big heights) but I am afraid of hurting my bike (I don't want to brake anything with a wrong executed sidehop)

So this is a big problem for me and I have noone to help me and I think that this will continue to happen from now on that I have learned the hardcore basics and the moves are getting a little more difficult.

Please give me some advice to solve this problem if there is any way to solve it.

Many thanks

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yo dude, i was lucky enough to get married on youre fantastic island last year.

If you ask me it is far to hot and far to many lovely ladies to look at for trials riding.

Seriously though I have the same fears pal.

it will come soon enough though.


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i experiance fear too ,it stops me from doing certain lines sometimes,the way i try to get around it is to practise on scaled down obsticles till i feel like i can go for the big one.

for example practise gapping 6ft at curb hieght untill you feel happy with gapping 6ft at 4ft or so .


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I find when I get scared trying to do something, the more time you spend looking at the thing that scares you, the more unlikely you are to do it. I tend to go for the "just go for it" thought, don't spend ages looking at the thing and just forget everything else and just think about what you are trying to do.


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Well, you would never experience it until you do it.

I have such fears too. So I tell myself, "ok, if you fall, means you fall."

Then if I really fell/bailed, I would know what to expect the next time I try that similar move, and avoid the mistake. And I would be like, "wow, that fall wasn't so bad after all." and continue nailing that move. It's always the first time which holds you back, second and third time would be easier.

For me I'm afraid of falling down, because of some childhood trauma. So that fear holds me back.

What about you guys? What contributes to your fear? Injury? Heights? Breaking some parts?

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As Ali C has been quoted: You progress in steps. Sometimes the steps aren't very big, but still you progress.

It took me three years as a trials rider before I could back hop. About a month ago I went out and tried to a backwheel a rail near my house. I took maybe 30 attempts but could not even bring myself to lift the front wheel off the ground. That fear will stay with you, and I'm pretty much (REALLY not trying to sound arrogant here) as close to being a full blown professional as you can get: I ride at major demonstrations and shows, I've recently had coverage in MBUK, I have four highly visible sponsors, yet I still get that fear, and I've been riding for over 10 years.

It will stay with you dude, this is why it's called an 'Extreme' sport.


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I have the same trouble my friend, ive been riding trials for 12 years now, and at every level of competition, or just general riding i still get the " fear".

Whether xxx move will work, what happens if my brake doesnt hold on this gap etc

Like you i have real trouble with sidehops, i absolutly hate doing them, well doing sidehops where i have to really go for it, something in my brain just refuses to let me do them.

But riding elite at this weekends euro championships really helped me get one step closer to conquering the fear, because all the big horrible moves in the sections i had to do them, there was no way around them. I attempted everything, this has proved to me i can do it, its well within my ability, and that i should just go for it all from now on.

One day something will happen, and all of a sudden you'll just start getting more and more confident with the moves you dont like, and then eventually there'll become second nature

Scott (Y)

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I've seen Ash's progression from early on in his career and i would recommend his advice on that basis. Bless him - he's all grown up now :(.

Also i agree with Rich with respect to the fear never leaving you. I've been riding for a fair few years and i get it every day.

My fastest progression was when i said to myself "FOOK it i'm gonna go for it - i don't care what happens". Its a tough frame of mind to get in, but helps. Now i'm a bit older i have to look after my body a bit, so i'm less willing. But give it a try, see how it goes?


Esa polly homerphi

(I attempted to spell phentically _ :$ i know the spelling is wrong, but its the only greek phrase i know):)

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Something else that I have to say (maybe it's silly) that I am not afraid of hurting myself (because I haven't reached big heights) but I am afraid of hurting my bike (I don't want to brake anything with a wrong executed sidehop)

theres very little you can break on a wrong sidehope, besides scratching and denting your frame*, at worse you'll bend disk rotors or mash up your mech/tentioner. nothing that would cost you to much/waste to much time :)

*you ride an onza so it'll be near bombproof :)

Edited by ogre
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Thanks to all of you again...You are a big help for me.

I will try riding with less fear when I recover from my injury.

To ClownBike:I would say that your spelling is very close to the right spelling of the phrase.What you said means ''you are beautiful''.Where did you learned it?

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