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Fluid Mechanics Problem Question


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I was going by the idea that the volume of water in the overspill would weigh 200kg, exerting a force which would equilibrate with the other side causing an increase in pressure on that side. But then the water level on the left would go up, and it would go down on the right, allowing you to add more water up to the level. If you think about it, this process could go on ad infinitum, which is confusing :P

EDIT: Kinda like Zeno's Paradox

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got it now, feel like a right div!


where h is 0.6, not 0.5, due to the fact that the level of water in the tank must go down 0.1m for the water to rise 0.5m in the overfill.






think i can do the second one now using the equation:

lp=(Ic/Ac+lc) + lc


Edited by walker
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