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How Many Fingers For Braking?

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Read your supposed to use one finger so you get more grip on the handlebars? I've always used two.

How many do you use?

I started using 2 fingers when i was new to trials but now i am only using one.

I feel im in more control of lifting the front of my bike up when only using one finger.

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1. You're a full member. You've been a full member for quite a while. This is New Members Chat.

2. This topic has been covered many times over the years. Search.

3. Look at any of the pics in the riding pics thread and you'll see that 99.99999% of people use one finger on their brakes. The other 0.00001% Are doing it wrong.

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1. You're a full member. You've been a full member for quite a while. This is New Members Chat.

2. This topic has been covered many times over the years. Search.

3. Look at any of the pics in the riding pics thread and you'll see that 99.99999% of people use one finger on their brakes. The other 0.00001% Are doing it wrong.

Sooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy :$

You saying I'm doing it wrong? Alrighty then ave to adjust my brakes, again...

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You saying I'm doing it wrong?

Not necessarily wrong... it's preference at the end of the day but if your brake's half decent there's no reason you should need to use two fingers on the brake and having the remainder on the bars will allow you to put more effort into lifting the bike and in theory allow you to ride better. I only ever use two fingers in comps when I'm getting cramp or something in my normal braking (index) finger.

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Lol when I endo I use all 4... hahaha. It's something I'm working on but at the moment I feel like I have no power to hold the bars with 1 on the brake. But if I can do that, then I'll be more comfortable doing things like manuals and really ripping the wheel up

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Read your supposed to use one finger so you get more grip on the handlebars? I've always used two.

How many do you use?

Theres no set rules! just use however many it takes to do what u want... I use 1 when feathering the brake for manuals, and 2 for pedal kicks, as sometimes the wheel slides out if I use 1. Feels so dodgy when that happens. However, after using Monty brake spray (yeah im old fashioned) I find I only need one. But that wears off and Im back to 2 fingers after one session. I expect if I grind my rims ill only need 1.

P.S. Monkey boy...points 1 and 2 - I expect like me, he uses NMC cos if he asks in full members people will tell him to SEARCH etc.

Sometimes you just want to chat rather than Search! I doubt there would be many new topics if people only used search!

(plus this is a better place for more beginner type questions such as the above)

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1 If u got disk or maggy u wont have to pull level far so only need 1 finger (index finger) alowing you to have more grip on bars. My friend moved my brake levers about an inch closer to middle bars i find makes it easyer to pull with me index.

Edited by tom aky
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i use one finger when i am going to ride up something but two when i am going to go off something. just to give that extra bit of security that the brake isnt going to slip and leave me in a heep on the floor lol.

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1 have done for ages, use 1 on BMXs, jump bikes, road bikes everything now. Anything else just feels wierd. I do remember back in the day using 2 fingers though, I started trying to use 1 finger though and it just became second nature in the end.

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