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Because they haven't set a public date for when they're due to be released, they can afford to make sure they're perfect without having to get stressed about meeting a deadline (Microsoft: Take note). As a result, they should be fine.

Anyone know if the iMac's gonna be updated? My uni are paying me next week so I could theoretically splurge out the cash for it next week if there's not an update in the foreseeable future...

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Anyone know if the iMac's gonna be updated? My uni are paying me next week so I could theoretically splurge out the cash for it next week if there's not an update in the foreseeable future...

Very very unlikely to be in the next 2-3 months.

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Because they haven't set a public date for when they're due to be released, they can afford to make sure they're perfect without having to get stressed about meeting a deadline (Microsoft: Take note). As a result, they should be fine.
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No, but apparently you're having trouble with logical thinking ;)

New chip right, could mean some things might not be spot on on first editions.

My MBP is first gen and there's f**k all wrong with it.

You asked if they're going to be as good, they're not going to reduce performance are they?

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Skipping the convo and adding my opinion, only buy the macbook air if you really think it will suit your needs of travel and you can suffer with the slower process speed and the lack of the extra £200-300 pounds. Or you wanna chop someone up on the sly (news of people cutting them self with the thin edges). IMO the macbook pro would be the one to go for as it would be basically the only thing you need.

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