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World Records?curious?

Damon W

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hi im just curious now as what the world records currently stand at for (any bike just biggest and who by):

sidehop over?

Sidehop up onto?

flat to flat gap to rear?

flat to flat gap to front?

tap to rear?


biggest drop to concrete or grass?

ive searchd but there seems to be mixed opinion of things, and i just want HARD FACTs! lol

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hi im just curious now as what the world records currently stand at for (any bike just biggest and who by):

sidehop over?

Sidehop up onto?

flat to flat gap to rear?

flat to flat gap to front?

tap to rear?


biggest drop to concrete or grass?

ive searchd but there seems to be mixed opinion of things, and i just want HARD FACTs! lol

To be honest you've probably broke them all ready lol :turned:

Bizzle Oli x

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Erm, i think martyn ashton holds a world record of some sorts with a bike.

Not 100% on that though

He held the biggest drop record, for quite a while actually, but i think that was beaten recently, although it was onto a mat.

I found a list once wth all the official world records, aint got a clue where thats gone!

Edited by Scotty Evil1
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sidejump = sidehop yer ?

That seems pritty low for a world record doesnt it ?

That's from 2002 though.

Like you say, there's not much chance to do something officially. We should set up a TF unofficial world record list. Any world record attempt could be verified by people with an official TF tape measure! :D

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It probably is manualling, but again, you've got to look at the date.

I doubt they'll do them properly for anything like sidehops up and the like, simply because there's too many variations of it. Like if you were going to pedal, you'd potentially be able to get higher, plus as well as that, with the way a lot of people sidehop so their back tyre's hanging below the surface, would you measure the top surface of the wall, or where the lowest part of their bike was? Also, would you have to 'keep it' or could you 'on-off' it? There are too many variations and factors involved for it to realistically happen, hence them going for easy shit like gapping and sidehopping over a pole.

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Also, would you have to 'keep it' or could you 'on-off' it?

That's not even a question, of course you'd have to 'keep it'.

You just need a block of whatever, and the rules would just be UCI or BIU - I.e. bash or no bash. The tyre hanging off the side thing is fine, as long as you keep it and don't go to bash. Have you ever seen those 'vertical jump' competitions that Monty did a few years ago? There's just basically a big block and riders can get up it however they want - using taps or hooks, with bash or not. It worked well.

P.S. Damon I'd be interested in your opinion on this - what do you think is easier, going over a pole or going onto a wall. I'd imagine a wall was easier but I don't know?!

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That's not even a question, of course you'd have to 'keep it'.

You just need a block of whatever, and the rules would just be UCI or BIU - I.e. bash or no bash. The tyre hanging off the side thing is fine, as long as you keep it and don't go to bash. Have you ever seen those 'vertical jump' competitions that Monty did a few years ago? There's just basically a big block and riders can get up it however they want - using taps or hooks, with bash or not. It worked well.

P.S. Damon I'd be interested in your opinion on this - what do you think is easier, going over a pole or going onto a wall. I'd imagine a wall was easier but I don't know?!

Yeah, I'd say "Keep it" too, but it appears in TGS laws that you don't have to? So a lot of people would be instaf**ked by that.

Regarding up or over, I'd say it was easier going up something. You can kinda lunge it more to the front and use that to help get the back wheel up, whereas if you're doing it over, it's exclusively done by how you power up off the floor originally, and you've not really got anything to help you?

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riders who have more fun not doing lines or whatever are having the same amount of fun as natural section riders and street line riders are, if they wasnt planning on going anywhere once ontop of the wall what does it matter if u go back off, it doesnt exactly count if your hanging off by your spokes, but a bit of tread doesnt matter, thats why vince cuts nobbles off his tyres ;) ( jokes..........)

i find it easyer to go up a wall than i do going over stuff, just because ive got something to concentrate on but meh, i think there would be a mixed result between damon + vince.


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riders who have more fun not doing lines or whatever are having the same amount of fun as natural section riders and street line riders are, if they wasnt planning on going anywhere once ontop of the wall what does it matter if u go back off, it doesnt exactly count if your hanging off by your spokes, but a bit of tread doesnt matter, thats why vince cuts nobbles off his tyres ;) ( jokes..........)

i find it easyer to go up a wall than i do going over stuff, just because ive got something to concentrate on but meh, i think there would be a mixed result between damon + vince.


Keep on-offs in the tuckage thread, this thread is for people who can sidehop properly. As a competition, it'd have to be UCI, no part of the bike other than tyres can touch the floor/object during the sidehop and the rider would have to stay on top and possibly jump off the other side or whatever, getting on is the objective of the move and jumping straight off the same side wouldn't be classable. It MUST be kept in a competition, thats the whole point of it.

But "forward jump"? Please say thats not a gap to rear wheel, i think over 80% of this forum could double that.

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riders who have more fun not doing lines or whatever are having the same amount of fun as natural section riders and street line riders are, if they wasnt planning on going anywhere once ontop of the wall what does it matter if u go back off, it doesnt exactly count if your hanging off by your spokes, but a bit of tread doesnt matter, thats why vince cuts nobbles off his tyres ;) ( jokes..........)

i find it easyer to go up a wall than i do going over stuff, just because ive got something to concentrate on but meh, i think there would be a mixed result between damon + vince.


I don't think I mentioned lines, or having fun, in any way in my post? All I was saying was that people see going on-off as being legit. I personally don't, in the same way if I was tapping a wall, but had my weight too far back and hopped off it backwards like an abubaca I wouldn't think "I just landed that tap", then go and post a vid-still of it in the "Tapping" thread?

Keep on-offs in the tuckage thread, this thread is for people who can sidehop properly. As a competition, it'd have to be UCI, no part of the bike other than tyres can touch the floor/object during the sidehop and the rider would have to stay on top and possibly jump off the other side or whatever, getting on is the objective of the move and jumping straight off the same side wouldn't be classable. It MUST be kept in a competition, thats the whole point of it.

But "forward jump"? Please say thats not a gap to rear wheel, i think over 80% of this forum could double that.

I think it probably is, but again, it was a while back...

Re: the bit in bold. Truth.

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All the records on the Monty site aren't really 'official' though, only recognised by the BIU I think. As far as Guiness records are concerned, they don't differentiate between wheel sizes, it's simply 'Highest bicycle bunny hop' (which officially was set by Dani Comas (Spain) when he cleared a bar at a height of 1.21 m on the set of Tous Les Records in Port Leucate, France on 23 July 2004). There's also a sidehop record which Martyn Ashton held for a while but I take it someone on a mod's smashed that a few years ago.

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That's not even a question, of course you'd have to 'keep it'.

You just need a block of whatever, and the rules would just be UCI or BIU - I.e. bash or no bash. The tyre hanging off the side thing is fine, as long as you keep it and don't go to bash. Have you ever seen those 'vertical jump' competitions that Monty did a few years ago? There's just basically a big block and riders can get up it however they want - using taps or hooks, with bash or not. It worked well.

P.S. Damon I'd be interested in your opinion on this - what do you think is easier, going over a pole or going onto a wall. I'd imagine a wall was easier but I don't know?!

yer goin up onto a wall, cos u dont have to think about puttin the bak end bak down for the landing

i think a tf unofficial record thing wud be gud! but i think itl cuaze alot of contraversy

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César Cañas went there trying to get a new sidehop Guinness world record and Javi Alonso to impress people with his riding.

César Cañas got to jump 125 cm. (one more cm. from de last record). He tried to jump 127cm, only one time, and didn´t get it the Worldwide record because a stud of the rear wheel.



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Yeah, I'd say "Keep it" too, but it appears in TGS laws that you don't have to? So a lot of people would be instaf**ked by that.

Yes, idiots. Only idiots think "it counts", I thought that was common knowledge? :P

Re: over or onto, I pretty much agree. I can't go over a bar for shit, and I use my front wheel when I'm sidehopping onto walls. But my sidehops are nowhere near the size that Damon is getting and I wondered if things change as it gets bigger. A lot of people can get the height but they can't keep it because their weight is too far over one side - I was wondering if going over a bar negates this slightly because there's nothing 'pushing' you off sideways. But even if that is an issue I'm sure you're right about the lateral distance thing and that's going to override anything else.

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