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Hey man, don't leave. If people don't like your style, screw 'em. It's not like you'll be riding with many (if any) of the people on these forums. Ride for yourself man. Are you having fun riding? Make it about riding dude... If you can nail a move, who cares how pretty it is? The fact of the matter is you nailed those moves so whatever. Try not to take it to heart. Conformity isn't that important

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ok. STOP please!

my style is horrible, OK

now delete this video

thanx for nothing

Really I have never felt accepted in this forum


Mate, You are a amazing rider, I love your style.

So what if you tuck alot, it look's great anyway.

Everyone on the forum isn't being mean or anything there just saying that you tuck like a bitch.

Can you put the video back up please I want to watch it agian, It really impressed me.

Best of luck, Callum

Edited by Callum-Luvs-Trials
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Mate, You are a amazing rider, I love your style.

So what if you tuck alot, it look's great anyway.

Everyone on the forum isn't being mean or anything there just saying that you tuck like a bitch.

Can you put the video back up please I want to watch it agian, It really impressed me.

Best of luck, Callum

No doubt. Don't be some comforming guys. That is his style then. I like it, you know why? Cause he landed the moves. And the bike throw was a very real and somewhat funny representation of the frustration this sport can bring. More bike throwing clips please.

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Wow, nice work guys. You basicly ran out a good rider like the KKK runs a black man outta town. Nice work *golf clap* All because you're god damn pretentious. Conform some more you latte drinkning scene boys

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