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Every time i try put a picture on photoshop its all in color but then if i put it on say another bit or work it goes b+w why?

its all fine until i put it on another bit or work! I need the photo on the work for my art homework :(



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Make sure the image is in RGB.

Go to Image> Mode and see which one is ticked....

Dont know why, but cant you just change the mode back to CMYK or RGB, image > mode > (choose).


Thanks guys Am a total noob when it comes's to photoshop



P.s Would photoshop be ok to make like a magazine cover?

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In fairness, with the Interwebs, you don't really have to pay for any software :P

I hate using the text tools in Photoshop, so I'd probably use Illustrator, but it's no biggie either way. Just use Photoshop (Y)

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In fairness, with the Interwebs, you don't really have to pay for any software :P

I hate using the text tools in Photoshop, so I'd probably use Illustrator, but it's no biggie either way. Just use Photoshop (Y)

True, but I'm certainly not going to be the one to give directions on how to do it!

Jason does not endorse software piracy, and nor does trials-forum.co.uk but one of your mates will definately know how to "source" some very good value software ;)

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Yeah. It's 100% illegal* to download the 30-day trial copy of any of the CS3 products from Adobe.com and then download any kind of keygen or serial numbers from websites to then 'crack' the trial copy you downloaded.

*But totally f**king awesome

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Yeah. It's 100% illegal* to download the 30-day trial copy of any of the CS3 products from Adobe.com and then download any kind of keygen or serial numbers from websites to then 'crack' the trial copy you downloaded.

*But totally f**king awesome

No i didn't down load a keygen or crack my art teacher at school lent me the cd :giggle:


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slightly back on track, if you open an image which is b&w photoshop will assume you want to keep it that way and will open your file in monochrome palette (black and white) as peoiple have said, if you want to add colour you can change it to rgb/cmyk/lab etc...

As for text in photoshop vs illustrator... if its for web use photoshop, print use illustrator... simple.

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If your going to design a magazine, Id go with Indesign, illustrator more for drawing rather than layouts etc. Do your designing/photos/pictures etc in Photoshop then transfer it over to InDesign to do the text.

Ok thanks every one (Y)


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